Rattle Dazzle ~ Janus The Puppet Master

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Janus The Puppet Master (Rattle Dazzle)


👍 124k | 👎 11

Published on Nov 10, 2020

I am a man of many talents.
- Janus

---Video Preview---

Janus: *controlling puppet Roman*

Roman: psh, there's no way you can mimic my voice without moving your mouth.

Janus: *raises brow*

Puppet Roman: psh, there's no way you can mimic my voice without moving your mouth.

Roman: *shrieks* HOW DID YOU– ?!

Janus: *smirks* a magician never reveals his secrets.

Roman: ...you're a magician, too?!?!

Remus: *struts into the room in a sexy assistant costume* his magic wand can do wonders, Ro-Ro.

Roman: *eye twitch*

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