The Father, The Son, and The Unholy Spirit ~ Can your Pet

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Can your Pet DO WHAT?? | Can Your Pet (The Father, The Son, and The Unholy Spirit)


👍 121k | 👎 17

Published on Sep 8, 2020

Unfortunately, neither of the three want to say anything about this video.

So I've taken it upon myself to provide a description:

Remus is now banned from his deodorant collection for leaving out a few important details about the game and upsetting Patton.

But do not worry, my husband will be okay. All he needs is a jar of cookies and cuddle sessions to help him recover from that slightly traumatizing game.

And oh, might as well mention that Virgil "b*tch slapped" Remus across the face after the video cutoff because it seemed like vital information for you all to know.

Anyways, thank you once again for all your support!

Be sure to visit our shop to avail new merchandise:

- Logan

---Video Preview---

Remus: let's play THIS! *shows them the Can your Pet game*

Patton: *clueless baby* ooh! YES!

Virgil: *horrified* NO!

Remus: *cackles evilly* YES!

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