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A couple of days had gone by and it was now Felix's first day of school.

The beginning of his morning was just a drag since most of his morning classes were boring core classes but luckily he had some of his new friends in some of his classes.

After his math class he was heading to his cooking class he thought it would be fun to take.

Once he walked in an arm was thrown over his shoulder which startled the Aussie boy.

"Sweet we have another class together!" The tall blonde haired boy known as Hyunjin pulls Felix to his table.

"We also have dance class after this." Felix happily gave his friend a big grin.

"This is going to be a good year. Meet some of my friends. This is Jeongin and Seungmin!" Hyunjin introduces the two other boys sitting at the table.

"Seungmin in the building!" The boy with brown hair and puppy dog eyes shouted with a big smile.

"Hi." Felix shyly bows his head, still shy on meeting new people.

"He's adorable, he has such tiny hands." The dyed blue haired boy known as Jeongin lifts up Felix's hand, measuring their hands.

"I heard your from Australia, my older brother is from Australia too." Jeongin let go of Felix's hand and gave a toothy smile.

"What part of Australia is he from?" Felix got excited hearing about someone else from his home country.

"Uhh... I don't remember, I sometimes tone him out most of the time." Jeongin gave an evil giggle.

"You better not tone me out." Seungmin pulled Jeongin back into his seat next to his.

"Only sometimes." Jeongin gave an innocent grin, leaving a pouting Seungmin.

"They're always in their own little world. So you got anyone special?" Hyunjin rests his chin on the palm of his hand.

"No I don't but I'll find him one day." Felix began thinking of the boy in his dreams.

After Felix's cooking and his dance class he was about to exit the building until he was being pulled.


"Shh!" Jisung pulled him behind a wall with him peeking around the corner.

Felix was confused what was going on until he perked around the corner too and seeing a boy with brown hair with cat like features walking out of the locker room.

"Is that Lee Minho?" Felix whispered.

"Yeah, he's fucking hot." Jisung was a bit in a trans.

"He's in my dance class. Isn't this kinda creepy though? Just go talk to him." Felix was then caught off guard from Jisung quickly turning around.

"He's in your class?! Can you talk to him for me?" Jisung placed both of his hands on Felix's shoulders.

"I would but I think it's best if you build up the courage and talk to him yourself. Here I'll help with that." Felix grabbed the other boy's hand and rushed to Minho.

"Hey Minho, it's Felix from dance, can you help my friend sign up for the dance club?" Felix was still a bit shy on asking but pushed through it for his friend.

"Sure." Was all Minho said as he continued to dry his hair with a towel.

"Thanks! I'll see you on the bleachers Jisungie!" He then left Jisung who was frozen, wanting to slap the crap out of Felix.

A Second Chance || Chanlix FanficOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora