Chapter 2

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The pacing abruptly stopped as Draco felt guilty for waking Harry up. He wasn't sure if the other man had trouble sleeping like he did. His sleep filled voice conflicted with the ever present bags under Potter's- Harry's eyes. He knew he should have just continued on to his room. Maybe he can still leave-

"Do I have to accio you here because I'm sure that's a rather unpleasant feeling."

Harry was exhausted so his eyes remained closed throughout the exchange. Draco walked in and carefully closed the door behind him. Harry opened one eye and squinted, just being able to make out the apprehension on Draco's face. Either that or constipation, but he thought his homemade meal had turned out rather well.

"What's wrong Draco? Is there something the matter with your room? You're shaking. Either that or my eyesight is getting worse."

"No I just... don't understand."

He resumed his pacing.

"Don't understand what?"


"That's a lot to unpack."

Harry ran a hand over his tired face, a small part of him wishing he would've let Draco be and gone back to sleep, but he really did care for the other man. He didn't think it would be right to let the other man be plagued by his demons, having to face them alone. Harry knew that feeling all too well.

He sighed and the pacing quickened. Harry scooted over and patted the spot next to him, making Draco freeze.


"Malfoy if you make me get out of my warm bed to physically drag you in here I promise you that you will not like the result."

"Never had trouble getting someone into your bed huh? I'm sure all the ladies just drop right in," he grumbled.

"Can you not go back to being a git please? There are no "ladies", the sheets are clean, and for that matter there will probably never be anybody occupying my bed, let alone any ladies. Now what is your problem?"

"Never be-" Malfoy changed course halfway through his sentence at the incredulous look Potter gave him.

"Harry," he corrected himself once again.

"I'm just waiting for all of this to be a dream."

Harry knew this would be a long conversation and he wanted to actually see what was going on.

"Can you grab my glasses please?"

Malfoy grabbed them off the dresser, sat at the edge of the bed, and carefully put them on Harry's face. Harry looked so comfortable with his arms under the blanket, Draco didn't have the heart to make him move and disturb him for a third time.

The gesture was so intimate, Harry could only reply with a quiet "thank you". He couldn't tell if the dim lighting was playing tricks on him or if there really was color creeping into Draco's cheeks.

"Now what's wrong?"


"Okay let's break it down and we'll work through it okay? What's the first thing on your mind?"

"Don't you hate me?"

The question escaped his mouth before he could stop it. Throughout their time communicating back and forth he couldn't get their tentative friendship being a joke out of his mind. He truly felt like Harry cared for him some days, and other days he was convinced it was a cruel joke to get back at him for years of torment.

Harry just stared at him, blinking.

That's what Draco was so upset about? Harry couldn't help the small laugh that escaped his lips.

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