'We see you Camila, licking ass to try and get privileges you clearly don't deserve! You're nothing but a pretty suck up!
You're just like the rest of us, insignificant and very much at the bottom of the pile, everyone laughs when you leave the room you know? It's just funny how hard you have to try..
Why not do yourself a favour and stop being such a stuck up bitch for once, walking around like you own shit!


She pulled back her gaze unbelieving of what she had just read gulping gently as she sat just pondering over the words, she didn't recognise the handwriting but always feared this day would come.. she had been more than involved with the black spy's before finding out she was in fact one herself but the others didn't know that.. all they ever saw was the girl lapping up the extra attention with an open mind..

"Dinah's ready for you to get fitte- what's that?"

Lauren spoke over the girls shoulder pulling her back into the room before glancing up to meet her confused emerald orbs, after a few moments with no answer the elder took it upon herself to snatch the note from within her palms reading over it with a disgusted glare

"Who gave this to you?"

"I have no idea it was just sitting here.."

She replied timidly almost hurt by the words before Lauren laced her palm around the Youngers arm dragging her from the chair to walk quickly into the office, she passed the note into Sam's unsuspecting view with a loud slam as Camila stood back hesitantly

"Run the handwriting with the interns AP test"

She demand tapping her thigh anxiously as Scott curiously lean over to read the note, his eyes widen before looking up at the elders angered eyes almost dripping with rage before Sam cleared his throat

"Miles Rogers?"

He spoke handing back the paper before Lauren turn to face the younger girl nervously stood with her thick hair curling around her fingertips, she quickly walk past her with Scott trailing behind taking any opportunity to whiteness some drama

"Harlequin let's go!"

Lauren called in a blunt uninviting voice as her toned thighs disappear behind the door, Sam issued her a reassuring wink as she obeyed Lauren's command following out into the very heavily populated floor of interns that stop dead at the sigh of Lauren's fiery gaze

"Who the fuck is Miles Rogers!"

Her furious tone spat carrying right the way across the room standing now in the centre of the floor looking around at the nervous faces just staring back in both fear and utter awe of her presence, a timid hand reach to point over at a single desk a few paces away in which sat an extremely anxious young man around the same height as Lauren clutching at his thighs with a lowered chin

The floor fell silent as Lauren began to strut powerfully over towards his seat reaching down to grab him by the neck of his collar lifting him as if in slow motion from his previously sitting position as a few gasps escape around the room


She ask in a severely direct tone as his timid eyes nod back, her arm was so powerful the backs of his heels were no longer touching the floor, Camila stood closely to Scott only watching her power move take place with a warm sensation flooding her body

"You like writing love notes Miles?"

She ask again lifting the paper in her hand up into eye view as the man's lips part gently, it was evident he was petrified.. everyone was! She had an aura surrounding her only an artist could paint, the skin tight black jeans and mesh long sleeved shirt covered by her thick wavy black ass length hair revealed just how toned she really was as the famous blade sat holstered around her thigh accompanied by a deathly weapon sitting just over her full hip

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