Chapter 15

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Today was a bad day, not one of those wake up an hour late for work.. forget your coffee on the way in kind of days but.. one that everyone subconsciously felt was pending an intense climax... Sam was stressed, Camila grumpy... Lauren angry.. all simultaneously sitting in the cruel limbo of effortless disregard for happiness

"Scott could you pass me those files"

Sam uttered as the skinny man wearing all black huffed lifting from his chair to reach for the white paper documents, his sarcastic hand sliding them across the desk and into the mans waiting palms before huffing back into his chair

"So lava girl, how's the porn career going?"

He spoke winking over at Lauren who sat opposite Camila just doodling away an actually very innocent drawing nothing more than a calming task before her emerald orbs dart up into the mans comedic gaze

"Can you shut the fuck up? Your voice is literally the most annoying thing I have ever heard!"

She spat in the feistiest voice she could muster gritting her teeth together passionately as the younger opposite fell immediately caught in the middle.. her eyes shooting down into the desk as the elder scold her brother

"Ooooo tsss... she's spicy today huh Camila!"

He teased lightly kicking the back of her chair causing her to laugh gently covering her mouth with the sleeve of her oversized black sweater belonging to Zach

"What's so funny?"

Lauren spat looking over at Camila with a strikingly angered eye, her flush red cheeks indicating to the younger it wasn't the day to play around.. even after all of this time she never really did get the hang of the woman's mood cycle..

"Nothing.. nothing I swear!"

"Nothing? You were laughing at me!"

The woman respond as Scott sat giggling into his elbow crease seemingly entertained by the conflict he had caused.. it wasn't hard to piss the Raven off.. he more than anyone knew of her 'problems' and knew exactly how to provoke them for his own sick viewing

"Lauren chill out he's funny.. I wasn't laughing at you?"

Camila defend as Sam lift his head to evaluate the situation deciding best not to get involved as the younger shake her head into the desk continuing her palm over the document she had been asked to fill out

"Yes you were!"

"NO I wasn't fuck why are you being such a dick today!"

Camila spat as she slam her pen down into the table before pushing her knees back against the chair to stand heading over to Sam with the document leaving the rage filled woman's blood boiling out of control, she also stood but instead of walking she stormed furiously across the room standing only a few meters from the Youngers body

"What did you just call me?"

"Ok Lauren go and sit down! That's enough!"

Sam interjected turning in his chair as he very quickly noticed the girls striking tone of voice.. it was calm.. too calm, and when Lauren was beyond mad the level dropped just as it did in that moment...

"What! Did you just call me!"

"Lauren SIT down! See what you did Scott? Can't you just keep your fucking mouth shut for ONCE!"

Sam spat as Scott anxiously fluster his arms sitting back in his chair as Camila pace back slightly followed by the same woman who only a few days previous was pouring her heart out to her..

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