Chapter 10

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~My First love...Rob~

Anahita closes the book having tears run down her face. The story reminded her of her first love with a human boy back in Michigan.
His name was Rob, she had met him at the rock wall on the shore of Lake Huron while ringing out her hair while sun was setting behind her with its orange light reflecting off of the lake. Anahita had recently transformed back to her human form and at this time she already put clothes on so she won't be exposed. Rob was the first human boy she'd ever let into her heart and they had so much in common too. Those two looked like a perfect couple because people only saw them laughing together and passionately embrace each other. Rob even took Anahita on her very first date ever! They seem to be inseparable,  joking around and also seem very close. They dated for only a year which doesn't seem much to some people but to Anahita it was the first time she ever had a serious relationship with someone. It was the beginning of December when Anahita got a morning text from Rob. Thinking it was a cute good morning message she gleefully unlocked her phone quietly until she was greeted with a heartbreaking breakup message. Elly her goth human bestie Anahita has back home in Michigan was there spending the weekend with Anahita. Elly comforted Anahita by giving her a tight hug and a funny video message of herself laughing at a meme. That made Anahita smile and laugh despite having the biggest baddest breakup ever that day. The pain would only get much worse like someone pouring lemon juice on a open wound. Anahita cried for a couple of days then was starting to feel a little better until.....
Anahita pulls her phone out of her pocket and was about to swipe the notification away until she saw that Rob posted a picture on Insta. Out of curiosity she tapped the notification and her heart shattered what she saw on her screen.

Exactly 5 days later Anahita saw on instagram of Rob and a girl with long dark brown straight hair she almost looks exactly like Vanessa from Disney's version of the little mermaid

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Exactly 5 days later Anahita saw on instagram of Rob and a girl with long dark brown straight hair she almost looks exactly like Vanessa from Disney's version of the little mermaid. Foolishly she sends Rob a polite message asking about the girl. Still wanting to have some kind of connection with him she remain friends with him despite the huge evidence of him possibly cheating on her with that girl while Anahita and Rob were still dating.

"Well I hope she makes you happy 😁"

Anahita sends the message while forcing herself to smile through her aching emotional pain. She forced herself to be happy for her Robert even though it was clear as day that Rob never cared for Anahita's feelings. She had cried so much to the point she could physically feel the pain of her heartbreak. After crying for a couple months she still mentally tortured herself by still having Rob in her life desperate to keep her connection with Rob alive by being a good supportive friend to him always making sure he was happy because his happiness is what she truly cared about more so than her own happiness. Emotionally/mentally torturing herself by watching her first love loving another right before her eyes yet she still continued to do whatever she could to make him happy even if it costs her life.
She went on like that for months until Rob came back to Anahita asking to be back together. Of course she said yes still being lead a stray with her rose colored sunglasses cleverly hiding the red flags. 5 months later Anahita realized Rob only wanted her back so he had someone he could have sex with, like a friends with benefits kind of thing. She realized this when Rob started to communicate with Anahita less often. Fed up with the misleading signals she messaged him confronting him about not reaching out to her and asked what's going on between them and why he was being so distant with her. Rob responded saying he wasn't originally wanting a relationship he wanted a friend with benefits relationship and even admitted that he had lost interest in Anahita. Anahita couldn't feel anything but emotional numbness after reading his response. With that she began to believe all human males don't care about love anymore and only care about satisfying their sexual needs. Resenting the human race she became cold and tried hiding her emotions from people but that failed terribly. She refused to date after this and even rejected mermen too. Anahita felt like she's too hurt to keep searching for her "hApPiLy EvEr AfTeR". The only good thing about moving away from her hometown in Michigan was not seeing Rob fall in love with another girl and start a family with her right in front of Anahita.
~Flashback ends~
Pennywise can sense her deep emotional pain as she begins singing a song. Anahita had a habit of singing her negative emotions out loud but of course she'd make sure no human was listening or nearby when she would sing.

Impressed by her ability to sound beautiful while crying her eyes out Pennywise thought about the princess and the frog fairytale. He thought how he could be with Anahita as himself only still unsure what she would think about his favorite clown form. Pennywise remembers that the frog turns into a prince after the princess kisses him still in his frog curse. He also thought about how he learned that Anahita has a childish belief in magic and legends after spending so much time with Anahita learning more about her. Anahita collects her collection of fairytale books off of her bed and proceeded to put them away. Coincidentally the princess and the frog book fell out of her arms landed opened to the pages of the part where the frog turns into a prince. She puts the books away then was about to pick up the opened book that fell on the floor when she saw a paper sticking out of the right corner of the book. Out of curiosity she pulls out the paper and unfolds it. It was a drawing of herself in her mermaid form kissing a frog on the lips. She turns the paper over to find another drawing of herself kissing a handsome guy. Anahita remembers drawing this after reading the tale for the first time. After looking at the frog she glances towards Pennywise and makes eye contact with him. She scoffs to herself saying under her breath "like that'll ever happen....I kiss you and you turn into a handsome prince...but still won't know until you try right?" She smiles at Pennywise making him internally scream with panic and excitement. "Now here's my chance!" Pennywise thought to himself. He was going to shape shift into a very attractive human guy as soon she kisses him. Anahita puts two of her hands out gesturing for Pennywise to hop on to them which he does so. Bringing him up close to her face she leans in and kisses Pennywise's furry white rabbit lips. Pennywise shape shifts into a 6,3 ft tall slender man with slightly long yet short brown hair, soft yet big pillow lips, adorable cheekbones and those ocean blue eyes. Anahita can feel Pennywise's arms wrap around her waist pulling her closer to him. Her eyes flew open as soon she feels his touch around her waist. Anahita pulls away breaking the kiss and stares wide eyed at the most attractive man she has ever seen. "Thumper? that you?" Pennywise nodded gently grabbing her chin tilting her head upwards to face Pennywise. "The name is actually Bill but thanks for the cute nickname sweets" Anahita couldn't believe it, she looked around to see if thumper was actually hiding somewhere and some how this guy was able to sneak into her room unnoticed just to pull a sick prank. Thumper was no where in sight so to test that this guy is actually thumper Anahita reaches her hand out and starts to gently scratching his jawline. Not even a second passed when she hears thumping on her floor and realizes it's the guy rapidly tapping his foot exactly like how thumper did. "Oh my sea stars! ITS REALLY YOU THUMPER!!" Anahita squeaks with excitement. "Again my name is actually bill" Pennywise laughs playfully. "Oh sorry about that bill" Anahita apologizes "no! It's ok I actually thought the name thumper was cute for a rabbit" Pennywise reassured her. "So you were cursed bill?" She asks hesitantly "yea.....something like that" Pennywise replied. Anahita blushes when she makes eye contact with Pennywise's ocean blue eyes making her swoon internally.

Author's note
Hey guys! Sorry for the delayed update I'm having trouble with writer's block and I've also been busy with things in my personal life too. Especially with the holidays coming up very soon. I'll try to update this as much as I can but I'm also writing another fanfic at the same time, it's just I haven't publish it yet that's all. I won't publish it until I'm finished with book 1 on the other fanfic I'm writing right now. Love y'all so much! Happy Holidays too!

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