Chapter 3

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       ~The hunter meets the huntress~

Pennywise's POV:
I awaken from my 27 year long slumber yawning and stretching my long limbs to wake the rest of my body up. "Hehehe those brats are probably dead from old age by now and I completely fooled them" I rise from the darkness with my thirst for children blood and hunger for their delicious fear. I exit the sewer though a abandoned sewer entrance located at the barrens. Peeking my head out of the entrance disappointment comes into my mind as I realize I've awaken at sunset, normally small children would be heading inside to their homes by now. "Hmmmm but teenagers normally come out at this time just to misbehave so I'm not too late I guess" I thought to myself licking my drooling red painted lips. I teleport to Main Street bridge knowing this is where teens would go to smoke or drink beer under the bridge. I wait in the thick shrubs of cattails for my next meal to come when suddenly something catches my attention towards the canal connecting to the Penobscot River. My ears twitched as I hear the sound of...."music?" I listen carefully and intensely "No...singing! Sounds like it's coming from the boat harbor located around the corner!" I teleport to the edge of the canal connecting to the river while gazing into the orange/red horizon while listening closely for the sound of a girl singing. When I get closer to the docks of the boat harbor the singing gets louder and louder. "What little girl in their right mind would be dumb enough to sing here alone just when the sun is about to set?" I asked myself. Getting closer to where the sound is coming from I start to hear the lyrics clearly now.
(A/N: listen to this while reading the lyrics just to give you that haunting feeling)

🎶Upon one summers morning I carefully lead astray down by the walls of whopping where I met a sailor gang....conversing with a young lass who seemed to be in pain saying "William if you go I fear you'll never return again".... My heart is pierced by Cupid... I distain all glittering gold...there is nothing that can console me...but my jolly sailor bold" 🎶
I can feel something strange in my chest it's tingling? Not a bad tingly feeling but a good one. I shrug it off and continue to follow the voice. It's getting louder like it's canceling out the sounds of the river. I stop dead in my tracks when I saw it. Something was bobbing in the water only it looks like a creature lurking in the water like a river gator stalking their prey. I'm lucky out of its range of sight and I start to study the creature more carefully by watching it from above in one of the boats. Thinking it's just a little girl pulling pranks I quickly noticed something odd about her ears. They looked pointed and webbed very unnatural for humans. "Why are her ears like that?" I asked narrowing my eyes trying to make out the detail. The creature swims closer to the shore now revealing a large green red tipped dorsal fin on her butt. My eyes widened with shock because I've never seen a human with a dorsal fin before. "That's definitely not a little girl" I mumble to myself quietly. I teleport closer to the creature while hiding behind a large boat. To my surprise this alluring creature had webbed hands like a duck's feet. Her eyes were a amber like color only to have the cloud in her eyes to cover some of it like a blind/dead fish. Her hair was a rustic red color like tree leaves when it's the fall season. Her upper body was completely naked. I stood in a daze studying this creature up and down until suddenly the noise she once was making caught my attention again. Filling my ears with her beautiful melody as I began to sway to the rhythm completely unaware of my actions. I noticed a young man in the distance walks towards her like he's in a deep trance. The creature continues making the noise only becoming more hypnotic and very alluring like I should go to her...." no!" I snapped out of my daze and continued observing the creature and what her intentions were. She backs away into deeper water and stretches her arms out to the bewitched young man like she's beckoning him to come in the water. Surly enough he eventually does and his facial expression hasn't changed at all now he's completely soaked in river water. The young man approaches the creature and they begin to embrace each other but this didn't last long. Still standing behind a boat on the shore I see the creature lifts her head up and exposes her razor sharp fangs then bites down on the man's left side of his neck. I watch as blood gushes out of his neck and find myself with my mouth open while drool drips from my lips hungry for flesh obviously. Surprisingly the young man doesn't flinch nor screams he just stands motionless being held by this haunting creature. The creature's jaw let's go of his bleeding neck and they dive down in the mercy water. Without thinking I teleport to the river getting submerged underwater by my curiosity while watching this creature tear the man apart at the deepest part of the river. I now noticed why she couldn't go on land and bewitched more men for her liking it's because her lower half is a fish tail. "No legs? Huh?" I thought to myself taking my eyes off her for a spilt second and redirected my focus back on her only to discover she vanished! Confused I looked around to find her when I suddenly hear...
*high pitch screeching*
I see her silhouette swim vigorously towards my direction while making a inhumane high pitch screech. "Shit! She's spotted me!" I quickly snap my gloved fingers and teleported back to the boat harbor watching her breach out of the water like a shark. It seems like she saw me as her next meal, like hell ill let that happen. The sun had finally set while seeing no sign of the mysterious creature anymore I walk back to the sewers disappointed that I didn't catch a meal today. I arrived to the barrens noticing it had the full moon lighting the way down. I continuously kick a rock in front of me while making my way back to sewer entrance. Then I noticed something was slumped over on the rocks where the stream was flowing. "Eh could be a dead deer but I'll have a look anyway" upon approaching the slumped figure I feel that strange desire to approach it like I felt earlier with that creature in the river. Towering over the figure I noticed it was a completely naked girl with the same rusty iron hair color as that creature in the river. "Is it her? can't be she has legs and she has no fins, she's definitely human that's for sure" I flipped her over on her back and was mesmerized by her beautiful figure along with her small perky breasts. "What's this feeling I'm having towards her? Why do I wanna touch her and hold her so badly?" I picked up the girl like a bride and carried her into the sewers. I'm walking down the sewage pipes I noticed she had small bumps on her skin and I feel her shiver. I narrowed my eye lids halfway looking at her with a "poor thing" look on my face. I don't know why but my hunger for flesh has been gone since I found her. I wondered why I don't feel like I need to feast on her flesh I feel like I wanna keep her to myself all the time. We've reached to my home in the sewers and I lie her down on the wet concrete next to the enormous pile of kids possessions and a old circus train cart, she's still shivering probably cold from the draft in the sewers. I rummage though the large pile of kids possessions looking for a blanket a jacket or something to cover her up with. Frustrated I teleport to a store and steal a soft blanket from the shelf. " this will work!" I teleport back to the sewers again to cover up this gorgeous naked girl with a soft blanket. She stops shivering and rolls to her right side and fall into a deeper sleep. I lay down next to her and hold her for bit. " what's up with this girl? Why do I wanna ravish her so much?" My left hand had accidentally landed on her left breast and I hear moan her sleep. I blush and quickly swept my hand off of her when suddenly she grabs it and brings it back on her breast. Shocked I looked at her face to see if she's awake but her eyes were still shut. "Is she dreaming?" I tilted my head in confusion as my face begins to feel hot. Her hand is still gripping my left wrist keeping my hand on her breast. Out of nowhere I feel the urge to squeeze her breast so I did. She let out a tiny moan gripping my wrist harder. I feel strange especially in the pants part of my clown suit.

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