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Soo Min

I was lost into space while my mind was still thinking about what I saw in his piano set earlier. "For the person I love" I still kept wondering about who can possibly be that person.

"Hey, hey?"

I didn't notice Jihoon was already snapping his fingers in front of me. I got back into reality and responded to him.

"Mind telling me what's going on inside your head?"
"I- uh, nothing"
"Are you sure?"
"Yes, what do you want for breakfast?"
"It's almost noon, we aren't supposed to be having breakfast at noon, right?"
"Oh, right; I didn't notice"

I looked at my phone to check the time, it was really almost noontime, I think I lost track of the time and Jihoon is starting to suspect me because I act and seem uneasy.

"Is something bothering you?"
"I was just.."
"Tell me,"
"I'm wondering if you can play the piano"

He briefly answered and then chuckled nervously. He scratched the back of his head and looked down.

"I can play a little"

I just hummed in response and stood up to get the thermometer in his drawer, his fever might have cooled down since I already gave him meds, so I better check it.

"Let me check your temperature"

I inserted it in his ear and waited for it to 'beep', which means it's already done taking the temperature. I took it out and read the digital indicator. It says "35.7oC" which is the normal temp for our body.

"Well great! You're getting better"
"Can we go out now?"
"No, you're staying home for the rest of the day, it might come back"

He whined like a child that wasn't allowed to go out by his mom.

"Will you let me go to the bathroom then?"
"Fine, go"

He stood up and got out of bed, I watched every step he takes, worried that he would be too weak to walk but of course that was just my overthinking mind, exaggerating.

While looking at him take his steps going out of his room, I noticed that he was holding the bridge of his nose near the corner of his eyes, he also stopped from walking and kinda lost his balance.

I ran to the rescue to catch him so he wouldn't fall badly on the floor.

"Jihoon-ah! Don't pass out on me, I can't carry you!" I exclaimed while carrying half of his weight around my shoulder

"Min, I can't see anything"
"My eyes, I think they're broken, I can't see anything"
"Park Jihoon!"

I was already panicking and I don't know what to do, I went infront of him and waved my hands in front of his eyes to see if he sees anything

"I can't see anything... anything but.. You"

As soon as he said that, he opened his eyes and smiled at me from ear to ear and then he stood up straight like he isn't feeling any pain.

"Will you let me go out now?" He said, flashing his most charming smile

I lightly punched his arm, while he fell on the floor and died of laughter.

"Your charm doesn't really work well on me"
"Did you see your face?"

He said while hysterically laughing

"Ha, Ha, Ha" I sarcastically responded and rolled my eyes before turning my back on him and storming out of his room

He quickly stood up to follow me, when I was about to go out his front door

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