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Soo Min

"I'm sorry Ms. Soo Min, we don't accept mid-semester enrollees"
"I understand sir"

I stood up and respectfully bowed before taking off, I sat on one of the benches that I saw. I took a deep breath and thought about what to do next, this is the fifth school that I applied to but sadly, the school year is almost ending and they stopped accepting enrollees.

If I enroll this year, it would just add up to my expenses, the requirements that I need to fulfill might be costly. So maybe studying this year isn't for me.

So studying is now crossed out on my options, and I am running out of choices. It's either get a job or be a burden but being a burden is something that's not me, so that is not considered an option.

"Getting a job it is" I said while I stood up and got out of the building.

I don't know where to start in applying for a job, but I think I am fit for almost anything so I do hope they don't evaluate me by my educational attainment because that's my only downside.

I looked at the "Hiring" posters on the wall and at the bus stop and I don't think can get anything from this. It's either being a model or a sewage cleaner. I'm sorry but I think I could go find some easier jobs.

Well, maybe I should go inside restaurants, cafes, and convenience stores and ask if they need a crew, a waiter or maybe a barista, "hmm, that could work." I thought so I put my plan into action.

I went to the restaurant across the street and asked if they're in need of extra hands.

"Sorry but we're full, we got all the help we need"

I heard the same words for the next 3 hours of searching for a decent job to sustain myself. It's either full or they're looking for someone with a higher educational attainment or someone studying which isn't me in both ways.

I was at the verge of giving up and going home when a woman in her mid-30s approached me. Her makeup was really thicc (with a double c) and her eyebrows were drawn too highly arched that it made her look like a scary mean woman.

"Hey you want money right?"
"Yes and a decent job, maybe?"
"You're lucky you came across mama Zelda, come you're just in time"
"In time for what?"
"So, I was just about to take my lunch break when the girl that should be taking my shift told me that she's absent, now I need you to replace her so that I can eat, is that fine with you?"
"What do I need to do?"
"You'll give out these flyers"
"For how much?"
"22,000 won"
"Hmm, agreed"

(If ur wondering 22,000 won is almost $20)

The price didn't seem so bad and I figured I can help someone while thinking what to do next, now that I seem to have no job opportunities AT ALL, so why not.

She gave me a BUNCH of flyers which I'll have to distribute before 4pm and I think it'll be pretty easy since it was just two handfuls of paper.

So under the scorching heat of the sun, I started giving out the ad flyers.


2 hours later


The weather sadly didn't cooperate with me and so did the people. When I try to go near them and hand them the flyer they would just say "no, sorry" or others just walk pass me.

It was really hot and I am losing alot of fluids, I've been standing up for two hours and I am getting really dehydrated and tired.

I decided to sit down for a while on a concrete bench and fanned myself with the papers on my hand.

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