Chapter Sixteen: New Life, New Challenges

En başından başla

Two hours later

Kion starts moving around but he's not awake, his nightmare reappeared, Rani wakes up and immediately noticed Kion's nightmare has reappeared, Rani puts her paw on Kion head, she got a glimpse of what Kion is dreaming about, she sees him taken into the tornado and sticks flying at him, Rani gets out of Kion's dream, she screams a little, she looks at her paw wondering what just happened, she looks over at Kion is still twitching in his nightmare,
"Kion, it's okay, I'm here, you are in the eye of the storm." Rani whispered in Kion's ear
Kion stops twitching, she looks to see if Kion is still sleeping and he still is, Rani puts her paw back on Kion's head, she enters Kion's dream, the eye of the storm, she gets out of it and falls back asleep.

The next morning

Kion gets up, he sees Rani drinking water from the lake, she gets up and looks over at Kion, "Oh good morning sleepy head, slept well last night?" she asked
"Sure did, best night I've had in a long time." Kion said
"I've noticed, and lets say I helped a little." Rani said
"What did you do?" Kion asked
"I put my paw on your head and saw your nightmare, than I arranged it by speaking to you, it feels like I have the power to go into dream." Rani said
"If Ezekiel was still here he would be able to figure it out." Kion said
"Kion, we don't need him, Makini has his staff, we will just go to he." Rani said
"Oh right, maybe she can use it to figure it out." Kion said

To Makini

Makini is painting, all the attacks at the Tree of Life has been painted on the walls, Makini starts hearing Rani's voice, "Makini, we need you." she said
Makini comes down from her tree, "What's going on queen Rani?" she asked
"I think something is going on with my paw, I put it on Kion's head and saw his dream." Rani said
"Here let me take a look." Makini said
"Do you need your staff Makini?" Kion asked
Makini puts her hand into air and Ezekiel's staff appears in her hand, "Makini, how did you do that?" Kion asked
"It's cool isn't it, I figured that out not too long ago." Makini said
"Makini, just figure out what going on with my paw." Rani said
Makini puts the staff near Rani's paw, green lines is all over her paw and gets up to her head, "Rani, I think you can see others dreams, I think that is your power." Makini said
"My power? I have a power?" Rani asked
"Yes, just like how Kion's roar is his power, your power is going into dreams and I guess my power is to figure out what powers what animals have." Kion said
Fuli runs up, "Kion, ready to start patrol?" she asked
"Fuli, let me see what your power is." Makini puts the staff near Fuli, but nothing happened, "Um, guess you don't have any powers." she said
"Um yeah, I have speed, who needs powers when you have speed." Fuli said
"Because I figured out Rani can go into dreams." Makini said
"More like I can see them, I really can't go into them or else I'll be speaking to them." Rani said
"Oh yeah, forgot that little detail." Makini said
"Well anyway, Kion, you're coming or what?" Fuli asked
"I'll go with you Fuli." Kion said
"Hold on, Kion you go, I need to talk to Fuli." Rani said
"Alright, I'll see you there Fuli." Kion said
"What's going on Rani?" Fuli asked
"Well, ever since you've had cubs, I've been wanting to have cubs as well, but Kion doesn't want them right now." Rani said
"I don't blame him, cubs are a handful, I had to take weeks off of patrol just to be with them." Fuli said
I know that, but there are so many benefits from them, but I just can't get him to want to have any." Rani said
"Maybe I can convince him to have cubs, but I not going to force him to, if he doesn't feel ready than I can't do anything." Fuli said
"If you can, that'll be great, but if you can't than no worries, it just means I'll have to wait longer." Rani said
"Remember, if he does decide, than he is going to put you on some pretty heavy restriction like he did to me." Fuli said
Makini walks up, "Sorry to over hear but you are and Kion are thinking about having cubs?" she asked
"I have no idea Makini, and please, keep it down." Rani ordered
"Ah but they will be so cute, oh what are they going to be names, no wait don't tell me, it's going to be." Makini said before getting interrupted
"Makini, we don't know yet, and don't make names for us, I want me and him to decide on the names." Rani said
"Oh sorry, here I'll go back into my tree." Makini climbs into the dream, she drops the staff and it disappears into thin air
Rani and Fuli walks away together, a familiar voice comes from the bush, "Kion and Rani having cubs, this would be interesting to watch"

Lion Guard, Mystery of the roarHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin