Chapter Eight: Down with the King part 1

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"BOW DOWN, I AM THE KING NOW, AND YOU SIMBA, YOU ARE NOTHING COMPARED TO ME, THIS IS REVENGE FOR WHAT YOUR SON DID TO MY FATHER SIMBA. Nemesis yelled. four other lions showed up behind Nemesis as he smiled more evilly then his father Ajax has ever smiled
"No, it can't be" Vitani said, Nala looks at Simba
"Simba, what do we do?" Nala asked
"I don't know Nala, I don't know." Simba fears the worst for his lands.
"That lion used the mashedano to sneak up on pride rock" Vitani said.
"Come on, we can't just let him take over that easily, he already taken my home, I won't let him take yours, come with me, lets fight for our lands." Jasiri put some confidence in everyone
"Alright Jasiri, we will fight, Vitani, with me." Simba ordered, Vitani followed Simba to pride rock.
Kovu looked Kiara "Come on, we should help them, the circle of life depends on it" Kovu said, Kiara went with Kovu and Nala followed.

To Nemesis

Shupavu looks at everyone going back to pride rock.
"Nemesis, Simba and his pride are coming back" Shupavu said, Nemesis just smiles evilly
"Let them, let them come onto pride rock, meanwhile, I have something to do in the cave" Nemesis said as he walked into the caves to see Tiifu and Zuri, the two girls started to back off,
"Alright, a king always needs a queen, so which one of you would be my queen?" Nemesis said
Tiifu and Zuri backs off denying Nemesis' offer,
"You lost your chance you two, some royal advisors you are." Nemesis said walking out the the cave to see Simba running up on pride rock, Mzingo and his vultures start circling above pride rock.
"Ah, vultures, how dare you betray us." Nemesis said
"We didn't betray you lion, we were never on your side, vultures attack." Mzingo said, the vultures fly down to peck on Nemesis and his lions.
"Ah, STOP THEM" Nemesis ordered, Fyre and the other lions try to swap down Mzingo and his vultures but failed as the vultures were good a dodging, Simba and his pride finally got on top of pride rock.
"You, get out." Simba ordered
"No way Simba, oh and let me introduce my self, I am Nemesis, and that lion right there is my uncle Fyre, now leave my rock.' Nemesis said
"Your rock, you roaring into the sky on pride rock does not make you king." Simba said
"Okay then, I will take it by force Simba, EVERYONE ATTACK." Nemesis ordered, Reirei's pack and Kiburi's float (besides Kiburi) started charging,
"Vitani, now." Simba ordered
"All right, tell the pride lands end." Vitani said "lion guard defend." Vitnai's lion guard said. Vitani and her team started attacking Nemesis, Simba and Kovu started helping,
"Vultures attack Reirei and her pack, I will take care of Kiburi's float," Jasiri said as she started attack the crocodiles, like last time, Simba started taking on three lions.
"damn Simba is a good fighter, Fyre, we need to get Simba, take him down." Nemesis said as he and Fyre started attacking Simba, Vultures attacked the jackals,
"Vultures, stop attacking me and my pack." Reirei tried to attack the vultures
"Ow, these Vultures hurt" Goigoi complained
"Oh stop complaining Goigoi and attack." Reirei said, Jasiri jumps from crocodile to crocodile disabling their abilities to attack. Kovu sees that Simba is struggling to take on five lions
"oh, Vitani, Simba needs help." Kovu said. Kovu and Vitani charged to Nemesis and his lions.
"Great, Fyre, keep attacking Simba, me and the other lions will take care of these two." Nemesis and his lions charged at Kovu and Vitani, Kovu was easily knocked down but Vitani was harder to take down, she was able to take down one lion before she got pinned.
"Um, a little help here" Vitani said. Imara (The strongest) came over the took down Nemesis and the other lions, Fyre keeps on taking Simba, Fyre is stronger then Nemesis and his lions so Simba has a harder time taking him on, Fyre tries to bite Simba's neck but instead bites his mane, Simba smacks Fyre in the face knocking him down.
"You are strong one, I am impressed, but you haven't seen all my tricks yet Simba" Fyre gets into a defensive stunt, Simba launches at Fyre pinning him.
"Looks like you tricks failed Fyre." Simba said
"Oh Simba, you haven't seen it yet until now." Fyre uses his back legs to knock Simba off of him, Fyre gets back up and attacks Simba again, Simba is starting to get tired and his attacks starts to slow down, Fyre though was able to conserve his energy, but Simba is still stronger
"Oh Simba, you're starting to get tired, uh" Fyre said, Simba breathes heavily and keeps attacking Fyre.
"No way, not Simba," Kovu said as he charged Fyre but Nemesis steps on his tail. tripping him.
"Nemesis, let go of me now." Kovu ordered, Nemesis smiles then swaps at Kovu,
"LEAVE MY BROTHER ALONE!" Vitani yelled.
"Try me Vitani, Reirei, attack Vitani NOW" Nemesis ordered. Reirei attacks Vitani before she can use the roar, Simba pins Fyre once again and this time he makes sure Fyre's back legs does not hit Simba.
"Well Simba, Nemesis, a little help here." Fyre said. Nemesis charges at Simba knocking him off of Fyre,
"Alright, I had enough of this" Nemesis said
"No Nemesis, I got this," Fyre said smiling
"Alright Fyre, go ahead" Nemesis said.
Fyre smiled evilly and looks at Simba then he pushes Simba off of pride rock, Simba catches him self. Fyre stomps on Simba's paws, Simba started to fear for his life. Fyre gets in Simba's face "LONG LIVE THE KING" Fyre throws Simba into the air.

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