Chapter Twenty: Warlords of Scar part two

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This takes place after chapter nineteen

It is early morning, the sun is starting to rise at the tree of life, inside the tree, Kion and Rani are still sleeping soundly, so is Ajax, Rani is woken up as she feels nudging on her back, "Rani, wake up."

She thought it was Kion for a moment but noticed he's still sleeping, she turns to see Amala looking a little upset, "Rani, I miss my mom, have you found her yet?" she asked

"What time is it Amala, has the sun even raisin yet?" Rani asked

"No, but I miss my mom, I can't sleep without her." Amala said

"Go to your dad, he will help." Rani said

"But Zaza has him all to her self and he doesn't cuddle the way mom does, when ever I tried to tell him, he always said Azaad will cuddle the way Azaad does." Amala said

"Okay, you can sleep with us tonight but only tonight, the other nights you will be with you dad." Rani said

"Yay thank you thank you." she shouted

"Shh." Rani looks at Kion, he moves a little from the noise but doesn't wake, "Quite, he's still sleeping." Rani said

"Oh sorry." she said

"It's okay, lay next to me." Rani said

Amala rushed next to Rani and lays down next to Rani, she lays her head down and closes her eyes, Amala starts moving around, "No, mom doesn't cuddle like this." she said

Rani opens her eyes, "How does your mom cuddle?" Rani asked

"Lay your paw out." Amala said, Rani lays arm out, Amala straightens it out before laying her head down on it, "Now lay out your other paw over me." she said, Rani lays out her paw over Amala like a blanket.

"Is this better?" Rani asked

"It's perfect, but it you could be a little softer." Amala said

"I can't do anything about that." Rani said

"It will do I guess." Amala said

Rani closes her eyes once again, "Hey Rani."

"Yes Amala." Rani asked

"Are you ever going to find my mom?" Amala asked

"We will find her, one way or another." Rani said

Rani and Amala falls asleep.

The next morning, Kion wakes, yawns, he stands up, right he's about to wake Rani, he sees a small cub next to her, "No, it can't be, it to early." he thought to himself, Kion takes a closer look at the cub and realized it was just Amala, he sigh in relief, than he proceeds to wake Rani by poking her back, "Time to wake up, the suns up." he said

Rani rolls around and opens her eyes, "Morning" she said

"By the way, what is Amala doing here?" Kion asked

"She was missing Fuli, and her sleeping with us reminded of her mother." Rani said

"And you just let her sleep in here?" Kion asked

"Yeah, plus we have new attention coming soon so you're going have to get use to it." Rani said with a smile.

"True," Kion proceeds to wake up Amala, "Hey, it time to get up." he said

Amala rolls around and refuses to get up as she moans.

"The sun is up, and Zaza wants to play." Kion said

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