The letter

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Yes I did use a hogwarts letter for this, get over it, im a potterhead

I slowly shake myself awake while the morning sun fills my room through the open window. I stretch and go downstairs to the kitchen where my father is making toast, "hey honey" he smiles, when I walk in "hi dad" I yawn sleepily. I go up to the kettle and make tea, we sit down and begin to eat.

There's an akward silence going on and the air seems to get thicker with every second, "where's mum?" I ask, my father suddenly tenses, "she's, uh, at work" he says but I know he's lying, I decide not to press the subject. "Your aunt sent a letter" he says which eases the subject, he passes over an teared envelope as I take out the paper.

Dear Livia,

As you may know your cousin Lexi studies Italian down in England, but she's not learning much here, we thought we could maybe have you come over for a while to help her. As you know, as you and her are still young, your...ah, timers might reset anytime and she really wants to learn Italian while she still can. I know its a long way here from Italy, but we'd really love if you could come over, you can also bring Baxter if you wish. Please send us your reply by Friday and we'll organize you a flight.

                     Your sincerely, Aunt Helen

I sit there, terrorised staring at the letter. Me? In England? Away from my family? No. This can't be happening, I stare at my timer, what if it resets in England? Away from my family? My dad looks at me smiling sadly, "Livia..." I walk out the room without saying anything before he can finish. I sit down on my bed, staring at my timer, 'that cursed thing!' I think to myself, tears threatening to spill.

'No. Dad would be proud, Lexi may have dreams, but this decision is based on dad, mum woudnt care anyway, she never does. Its final, I'm going to England'

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