I look at him with wild eyes, frustrated because I don't know what's going on and I hate being confused. I'm not even pretending at this point. I just want this guy to get to the point dammit! Who the fuck is he and what the fuck is he doing here and why the hell did Tinley leave us alone together?

"I'm sorry. I forgot to introduce myself," He starts, his eyes carefully gauging my movements. "My name is Enzo and I'm the Alpha of this pack,"

"Enzo?" I blurt out, shocked but he raises an eyebrow and I freeze. Oh, shit Raven! He's not supposed to know that you know who he is. I sit up straighter to correct my error! "Alpha? What the hell is an Alpha?"

Enzo's eyebrows furrow in an instant and he clutches to his black book.

So this is the infamous Alpha Enzo. Well, he's quite handsome, I'll give him that. I especially love his noodled mess of hair and fascinating black eyes! But oh wow that means that I am right in the lion's den. I am in his home. Oh, now everything makes sense! He must be Tinley's cousin!

"Tinley informed me that you apparently don't know who you are," He says, his words coming out somewhat timed? "When the farmers brought you to me yesterday, you looked badly bruised. I had a healer take a look at you and she said that you were badly beaten. She applied some herbs but you were unconscious and all the people I sent to ask around about you just had no idea who you were. I even sent males to the Blue Water pack to ask about you because you were found close to their border but nothing came up,"

He sits up straighter. I don't respond and try to tame my facial expressions, forcing them to contort into deeper confusion at each sentence. I notice some purple bruises marring my wrists and arm.

"Your case is strange because due to your clothes, it's impossible for you to have come from either the Blue Water Pack or the Sapphire pack. Their females don't wear these type of dresses," I look down at the yellow sundress I am wearing, lifting the blanket to check and I see that it stops just a little above my knees and the sleeves stop just below my shoulders. But ugh! I really hate yellow! Why didn't that know-it-all Nessa just pick a red dress? Yellow does not bring out my sexy side! "That's why I know you're not also from my pack because of your dress and the fact that I can't establish the mind link with you no matter how hard I've been trying since you woke up to do so,"

"Yet, you can't be from the Goldstone pack either because I don't think they would have let you out beyond their walls."

I know what he means. The Goldstone pack is the largest pack and with that, they have a dumb caste system with an extremely high poor population. Those people would risk their lives to leave and due to this, the previous Alpha of that pack built a huge ass wall around the pack to keep everyone in and limit access into the pack. Basically, you can't leave that pack without official permission and you can't get in either without documentation, identification or an invitation letter from someone living in that pack. They are very, very strict about who goes in and out. Tyrants honestly. I mean most Alphas are tyrants but that pack takes it to some unimaginable extremes.

"Or maybe they did let you out of that pack. We can't rule any possibility out. I sent someone to ask Maddox because honestly speaking, of the three packs that border mine, Maddox's seems the most likely to be yours because of your clothes. Yet, if you are from the Goldstone pack then I have no idea how they let you out or else, of course, you were robbed and all your documentation, identification and belongings were stolen or in the worst-case scenario, maybe you were kidnapped,"

I gasp at that. "Kidnapped?" I exclaim.

"It's just a thought because I'm trying to wrap my mind around where exactly you came from but I just have no clue. If you aren't from Maddox's pack then I have no idea as to how you would have crossed two packs to end up bruised and beaten in a cornfield in my pack with no shoes or belongings,"

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