Chapter 22

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At Y/N's house the entirety of the inside has been dug out and a pit was now where his livingroom was. Bubblegum alongside some construction candy workers made plans to dig deeper around the cave.

P.B: So will need to dig and here to‐

Peppermint B: Princess, Finn has arrived.

Finn backflips into the hole and runs up to the Princess.

Finn: What's the plan PB?

P.B: As much as I don't like this idea...Marceline volunteered to search around the Nightosphere to find Y/N.

Finn: what's with the digging?

P.B: I wanna find out why a summoning circle was here in the first place.

Finn: Alright! So what should I do?

P.B: Well—

Marcy: Alright! Got what I need to go Nightosphere spelunking. So we doing this or?

P.B: Are you sure you'll be okay?

Marcy: Definitely.

P.B: Okay...well Finn you—

Before she could continue with the plan they hear candy worker's running out of the tunnel screaming.

Finn: Whoa! What's wrong?!

Candy w: Something just came out of a portal man!

The group watches the tunnel as a shadowy figure slowly walks into the light.

???: Wow that is bright.

PB: Y/N?

Y/N: Wha–Yes it's me. (Y/N) in the flesh.

Finn: Holy smoked dude! What happened to you?! You've been gone for a month!

Y/N: Have I? Well sorry about hurting feelings or whatever.

PB: Hm...Y/N you should come by my lab for a check up to make sure your alright.

Y/N: Right-o sweet heart but, *Yawn* I'm pretty wiped so....I'm gonna grab a nap so no bothering until tomorrow and there's no reason to place yourself in danger by going into the Nightosphere....So don't go in there.

Finn, Bubblegum and Marceline watch as Y/N climbs out of the hole and walks into the forest.

P.B: Was it just me or was Y/N acting really weird?

Marcy:Really weird...He didn't even ask about Flame Princess.

Finn: Hm... Princess permission to tail him?

PB: Granted...I'll keep digging around here and Marceline?

Marcy: I'll be careful.

She kisses Bubblegum on her cheek as she opens a portal and jumps in.

PB: Finn...remember to keep an eye on "Y/N" but don't let him suspect anything.

Finn: Got it....but what about Flame Princess?

PB: I'll worry about her, but for now go catch up with Y/N.

Finn: Got it!

As Finn leaves she turns to her candy construction workers.

PB: Okay guys! We've got to dig fast!

Candy workers: Yes mam!

(Inside The Nightosphere)

Marcy: Woah! Woah!

Marceline comes to a stop near an edge of a cliff overlooking a sea of fire. Demons flew over head as screams could be heard in the distance.

Marcy: That was way too close....Okay...where to now?

She looks around and sees a city in the distance.

Marcy: Time to see if dad's home...

She flies off towards the city.

(Meanwhile, Finn)

Finn follows Y/N who is walking deeper and deeper into the forest. He stops when Y/N suddenly knocks on a tree. A single squirrel climbs out and runs around him stopping on his head.

Finn: Aww...

Y/N: Huh...

Y/N reaches over and grabs the squirrel petting it a couple of times before continuing walk.

Finn: far so normal...

He comes to an open field and digs a hole large enough for him to be buried from head to toe.

Finn: What is he?

Before he steps in Y/N grabs he and gives it a small smile. Suddenly his eyes roll back as multiple sharp teeth spring out. The squirrel start to panic as Y/N begins to inhale causing the soul of the squirrel to be yanked out and flow into him.

Finn: *Gasp!*

Finn ducks as Y/N's eyes roll back and looks around. He tosses the squirrel and starts to bury himself. It hits Finn as he tries to keep quiet.

(Elsewhere, Marceline)

Marceline comes to the giant city with a large castle in the centre. Floating down she comes to what looks like a check in area.

Demon Sec: Can I help you?

Marcy: Uhh...I'm here to Abadeer?

Demon Sec: Oh! You must be—*Ahem* S-sorry Hunson isn't here right now.

Marcy: Well—

Demon Sec: He isn't here good bye!

It slams its window shut.

Marcy: Well that raises red flags....

Demons start to slowly encircle her. She grabs her battle axe.

Marcy: Yep...lots of them.

(Meanwhile, Bubblegum)

A candy worker hits the ground with a shovel and it gives way.

Candy W: Princess! I think I found something!

Bubblegum looks over and sees nothing but a faint light.

P.B: Hm....guys bring over the elevator!

She lowered into the pit stopping just above a small fire pit.

PB: What the H?

???: So what are doin today?

???: Well I mean we can try and summoning again-

A door nearby swings open as several candy people walk in.

???: Who knows maybe we could finally—

They stop moving once they see Princess Bubblegum and the giant hole in their ceiling.

???: Uhhhh.....This is awkward.

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