Chapter 12

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You felt as if your mind had melted. So many sounds assaulting your ears at once it was hard enough to even think. Thankfully it was Marceline who brought your pain to an end.

Marcy: Alright guys...I think that's good for today.

Finn: *Phew!* I think I really worked up a sweat!

F.P: I feel good about how that turned out. What do you think (Y/N)?

Y/N: .......*Gurgle gurgle*

Marceline gently places her guitar down and floats over towards you. Once she gets close enough she reels back and slaps you.


The trio stare at you before checking the time.

Finn: I should probably head out. Jake's makin spaghetti and I don't wanna miss it.

F.P: I should go too...I've got some....Princess things to do tomorrow.

You grab your notes and stuff it into your satchel.

Y/N: I've got new info I wanna go over so I'm heading out.

Marcy: Alright, you guys take care then.

You all say your goodbyes and leave. You walk until you to an open field and see Finns House.

Finn: This is me. I'll see you guys later.

You wave goodbye as you and Flame Princess are left to walk with each other.

Y/N: Shall we?

F.P: Sure.

The two of you walk in silence. You wondered if you should say something to break it.

Y/N: Have you gotten better at controlling you fire?

Flame Princess tilts her head towards you looking slightly annoyed at the question.

F.P: What's that supposed to mean?

Y/N: Sorry...that came out wrong. Its not that you weren't before...its just that well, back at Marceline's house you didn't set anything on fire. Even now the grass isn't being set ablaze.

F.P: Is that a bad thing?

She says crossing her arms.

Y/N: I-I-Its just that...well...remember when we were captured by sim--er the Ice King?

F.P: Yea?

Y/N: I laid you against the tree to "reignited" you. It went up as soon as you touched it, but now nothing....I guess I'm impressed on how your able to control yourself....if that makes any sense.

Flame Princess suddenly stops walking.

Y/N: Something wrong?

She walks over to a nearby lake and sits on a log.

F.P: Its just...a nice view here...

You walk over and stand next to her unsure if you said something wrong.

Y/N: Princess? Is...everything okay?

She takes a deep breath and let's out a small sigh.

F.P: Just thinking...Wondering how different things would be if I was like my father.

You sat close to her. You could feel the warmth that radiated from her body.

Y/N: Was he really that bad?

F.P: I mean...he locked me in a giant lantern...and tried to turn me evil on multiple occasions....but...I still wouldn't call him bad exactly.

Y/N: Sounds like your holding out hope. Some part of you wants to forgive him?

F.P: I don't know...

She says as rest her head on her hand and gazes at the lake. You walk over to a couple of flowers growing near by and pluck them.

Y/N: Hey...

F.P: Hm?

Flame Princess turns and sees you holding several different colored flowers in hand.

Y/N: If you need someone to talk doors always open.

You hand her the flower. As she takes them your hand touches the very edge of hers, but to your surprise it didn't burn you.

F.P: Thanks (Y/N).

She said with a smile. A smile that (no pun intended) warmed your heart.

Y/N: Anytime Princess...


You arrived at home after leaving Flame Princess. Guards station near the Fire Kingdom took charge to escort her back so you didn't feel like you had to worry much. Something did make you wonder though...

Y/N: Flame Princess...What is this feeling? Why can't I stop picturing her smile?.....*sigh*....Maybe some sleep might take my mind off it.

(4:54 Am)

You lay awake in bed staring at the ceiling.

Y/N: Glob what is wrong with me...

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