Chapter 25 (Jake Finds Out) (Bonus)

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(A couple of Weeks later)

Finn and Jake spared infront of their house as Y/N sets down his medical bag. He begins to do some light stretching as Finn jumps over.

Finn: Hey Y/N. You ready to start your training?

Y/N: Sir yes sir!

Finn: That's the spirit!

Finn had you running laps around the tree as well as practicing attacking and defending with various weapons. After a bit you plop down to the floor in exhaustion to catch your breath.

Y/N: *Huff huff* Oh man...this was a little more intense then I thought *huff huff*

Finn: Actually...were not even close to the intense stuff yet.


Finn: Chill dude we've got to work our way up there.

Jake: Yea! You run when your born. First you gotta walk then run!......or was it crawl then run no I was right the first time.

Y/N: First time.....

The words echoed inside your head as your body suddenly felt hot and reinvigorated.

Y/N: O-okay! I'm ready to continue!

Finn: Woah! Someone's fired up and I like it!

Jake: Wooo! Let's do this!

Hours passed as Finn and Jake pushed you to your limits.

Jake: So what made you wanna train with us? Aren't doctors usually shut ins?

Y/N: I mean normally yes, but if these past few months have taught me anything it's that I rely on people too much.

Finn: What do you mean?

Y/N: The Possession, Getting trapped in the Ice Kingdom, The Cave...every single time I've had to relay on others for help...though I am grateful I rather not be the damsel in distress it would be better if Flame Princess didn't have to worry about me if were ever in a fight again.

Finn: Well I guess it is for the best.

Jake: So what have you been up too since?

Y/N: *Cough* O-oh you know....just catching up....on the month I missed...

Jake: Catching....up?

Y/N: Y-yea?

As you all stop to take a break Jake walks over to a cooler pulling out cans of soda and handing them to you and Finn. Jake squinted his eyes as he slowly sipped from his soda.

Jake: Hmm....and prey tell what do you two "talk about"?

You started to feel nervous about Jake's sudden questioning.

Y/N: B-b-boyfriend a-and Girl-f-friend stuff?

Jake: Finn do me a solid and tell Bmo it's time for his bath.

Finn: sure nows a good time?

Jake: Positive.

Finn: Oookay.

Your arm shoots up grabbing him by the sleeve.

Y/N: Please don't leave.

You pleaded with him as Jake stretched his arm and slowly pushed him away.

Jake: He'll be fiiiiiine....

He said with a grin across his face. As you watched Finn disappear into the house you sipped on your soda to distract yourself.

Y/N: *Ahem* What-uh-what are you gonna do?

Jake: Nothin....I'm just gonna drink my little sody pop and wait.

Y/N: For what?

Jake: You'll see...

He sips loudly while keeping eye contact with you. You started to feel uneasy with how close he was getting.

Y/N: A-a-all we do is talk and and—

Jake: *Sips louder then glob himself*

Finn soon returned from the tree house.

Finn: I'm back! Jake! BMO said his bath isn't until noon and that you should know th–

Finn sees Jake repeatedly hitting you over the head with a newspaper.

Jake: Not! Until! Marriage! Bad! Bad! Bad!

Y/N: I! *smack* regret! *smack* nothing! *smack*

Finn: Jake! What the heck are you doing man?!

Jake: Giving him *Smack* a course *smack* in resistant training! *smack*

(Hours later...)

You applied some ointment to try and lessen the stinging sensation. Jake still smacked you with a newspaper, but he'd grown tired so his hits weren't as bad.

Jake: *Huff huff* jfjehesmks *huff*

Y/N: Please stop.

Jake: *phew*....well I guess what's done is done and nothing can change that. I assume your taking proper responsibility?

Y/N: Of course.

Jake: Good...everything's fine then.

Finn: What are you two talking about?

Jake: Don't worry about it. No hard feelings right Y/N?

Y/N: None what so ever.

As you both shake hands Jake tries to pull away but can't.

Jake: What the? Y/N? I think were stuck.

Y/N: .......Oh it does seem like it huh?

Dragging Jake with you towards your bad you ask Finn a question while digging through your things.

Y/N: Hey Finn?

Finn: Yea?

Y/N: When was Jake's last check up?

Jake: Uhh...

Finn: About 3 months ago?

Jake: I don't like where this is going...I think I better—

Before Jake could attempt to run you gently place you hand on his shoulder. As he turns he sees you with a wide menacing grin while holding a syringe.

Y/N: Looks like your do for another check up...don't worry....I'll be gentle....

Jake watches in horror as he realises the trap he'd been caught in.

Jake: Oh momma.

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