Chapter 11

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After a bit of talking with Marceline you were able to fill out quite a bit of your note pad. You stood up and stretched after siting down for so long.

Y/N: This was a great talk. I can't believe how much I was able to learn! Ya-Hoo!

Marcy: Your welcome.

Y/N: *Ahem* I ment thank you.

You hear Knocking on her door.

Finn: Yo! Marceline! You ready to jam!?

Marcy: Oh! That's right! I forgot today was a jam session

Y/N: Jam session?

She flies over and lets Finn in. He's followed by Flame Princess. You look over at Finn and then at yourself. You also look at Flame Princess in a different dress then you last saw her and Marceline in a red and blue sweater and jeans.

Finn: Yo! (Y/N) Hey-Whats with the face?

Y/N: I need more variety in my clothes...

F.P: (Y/N)? Why are you here?

Y/N: Just came to check up on Marceline that's all. What are you two doing here?

Finn: Were here for a jam sesh!

F.P: We gather here once in awhile to practice music.

Y/N: Oh what kinda music?

They all look at each other.

Marcy: Were....not entirely sure...but it's fun. Want in?

Y/N: I really shouldn't. Trust me no one wants to hear this train wreck...but I'll gladly stick around and hear you guys.

Finn: Jake couldn't come today. He had some dad things to do.

Y/N: Jake's a father?

Finn: Yup. Enough of that though...everyone grab your tune maker!

Marcy: Tune maker?

You sit back down and try to make yourself comfortable. Marceline flies up into her room and brings down an axe that doubled as guitar. Flame Princess was tossed a microphone and Finn pulles out a very broken flute.

Finn: A 1! A 2! A 3!

Marceline strummed her guitar without a care, Finn blew his flute wildly and Flame Princess beat boxed randomly. You watched as they jammed out to their own beats. You were trying your best to not cover your ears. This went on for 3 minutes until...

Y/N: Hold on a sec!

The room filled with sudden silence.

Finn: Whats up?

Y/N: (Oh glob I didn't think this through) Well you can I say this...

Marcy: Guys...I think were kinda bad.

Finn: Pssh...what? We sound awesome!

Y/N: It kinda sounded like if you dragged your hand across plastic wrap...

Finn: Dang dude...

Y/N: I'm sorry that was too much...

F.P: No...I think his right.

Finn: Bummer...

Marcy: We should take five guys.

Finn: Yea sure....

Finn sits on the floor and pulls a sandwich from his backpack. Marceline focuses on tuning her guitar and Flame Princess decides to look around.

Y/N: I'm sorry everyone...I shouldn't have said anything...

Finn: Its okay man.

Marcy: Criticism is part of the biz... its fine, it just means we should practice more.

F.P: We should give it our all!

Finn jumps up with explosive energy.

Finn: Yea!

With a smirk on your face you sit back down.

Y/N: (Well they seemed fired up now....maybe they won't be so bad again...)

(20 Minutes later...)

Y/N: (I was wrong...I was very wrong)

(A/N: Next chapter is long.......sorry bout that.)

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