Chapter 14

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(A Couple Of Days Later...)

Y/N: So you see Doctor Princess...I think I might be ill. I haven't been sleeping properly, my apatite is almost non-existent and to top it all off half the time I'm unable to think straight.

Doctor Princess: Hmm....and this all started when exactly?

Y/N: As I said...after I spent almost a whole day with Flame don't think she could be sick do you?

Doctor Princess stares at you blankly before writing something down.

Doctor Princess: Well (Y/N) you are afflicted with something, but its not an illness and I doubt its contagious.

Y/N: What is it?

Doctor Princess: In my professional opinion I think its best if you find out naturally.

Y/N: That just gave me more questions then awnsers...


You sucked on a lollipop as you walked around the land of Ooo deep in thought.

Y/N: (What did she mean by that?) I'm affected by something, but its not an illness....)

You remember Flame Princesses radiant she was against the night sky.

Y/N: ( Those beautiful flames...Wha? What am I thinking!?)

You throw the lollipop behind a tree line in frustration. Only to hear a light thud.

???: Aya!

???: Yo! Whose thrown stuff?

Y/N: Uh oh!

You run around and find a small opening throughthe thick lines of tree. You try and jump through, but trip over a root.

Y/N: Agh...! Are you okay?

???: (Y/N)??

Y/N: Huh? That voice....

You look up and see Jake in front of you. Looking behind him you see some kinda of long rainbow striped unicorn trying to reach the lollipop stuck in her mane.

Jake: Hold on honey I'll get it!

Jake runs over and manages to pull the lollipop out. He stretches his hand over towards you.

Jake: I think this is yours dude.

You stare at the now covered in hair loli.

Y/N: Uh....Yea...Thank you...

Jake: Don't mention it.

???: 괜찮아 보여요?

Jake: Babe...Your still lookin finer then ever.

???: 오, 당신은 아주 부드러운 말입니다.

Jake: know me!

Y/N: Finn mentioned you were married.

Jake: Oh shoot! I forgot the introductions! *Ahem* (Y/N)! This is the love of my life Lady Rainicorn. We've  been married for awhile and Lady this is (Y/N). He's the guy that was Doctor and possessed for a bit.

Rainicorn: 만나서 반가워요 기분이 어때요?

Y/N: Uh...its nice to meet you too? I'm not to sure what your saying...

You look around and see a spread out blanket along with some food and water.

Y/N: Sorry was I interrupting something?

Jake: Well...we were kinda having a picnic...until you threw that lollipop.

Y/N: Again I'm so sorry.

Rainicorn: 제이크는 당신 친구 괜찮아요?

Jake: Why do you say that?

Rainicorn: 좋은 하루를 보내는 사람은 막대 사탕을 던지지 않습니다.

Jake: Hmm...true.

Before you could sneak away Jake enlarges his hand and grabs you.

Y/N: O-Okay! This feels weird!

He drops you onto their blanket and as He and Rainicorn pass around some sandwiches.

Jake: Lady here thinks you need to speak your mind. So! Lay it on us.

You think for a sec to try and clear your mind.

Y/N: I'm not sure, but I think something is wrong with me...these past few days I haven't been able to think straight, I can't sleep, I can't eat...I went over to Doctor Princess, but she said I was okay...that in her medical opinion I should figure this out naturally....whatever that means...

Rainicorn: 언제부터 시작 되었나요?

Jake: Yea. When did you start noticing this?

Y/N: A couple of days ago.

Jake: Can you describe how you feel? You know besides the not eating stuff.

Y/N: Well...I've got shortness of breath, It sometimes feels like my face heats up.

Jake: Wait a minute....

Y/N: Oh! And it sometimes feels like my heart is about to burst out my chest.

Rainicorn: 우! 누군가가 사랑의 벌레에 물렸다!

Jake: Hehehe! I think you might be right Lady.

Y/N: What? Wha she say?

Jake: Stay with me for a sec.

Y/N: Okay?

Jake: Does this happen when your around some specifically?

Y/N: Flame Princess only why?

Jake: Uh huh...okay and how would you describe her?

Y/N: Well...she's...amazing...she runs an entire kingdom and all her people have nothing, but nice things to say about her. Her eyes and smile...they always make me feel....

Rainicorn: 당신의 사랑처럼 ??

Jake: Feel like?....Come on....

You stand up and feel your face heat up. Your eyes widen at a realization.

Jake: There you go! Now he got it! took awhile, but we got there.

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