Mila😇 can I say that I feel bad for u?

Singer boy yeah but have to sacrifice something to get something I guess

Mila😇 so fame and money are more important to you than family?

Singer boy its not about fame or money. just something that came to me after I started doing what I love. And I love to sing and perform. I wouldn't trade it for anything else in the world

Mila😇 that's beautiful to realize that you attached to something so bad

Singer boy yeah, you know that feeling, right?

Mila😇 I'm not sure, I study medicine at the university because I was ordered to do so

Singer boy you don't have to do something you hate, you know?

Mila😇 it's not that easy as it is for you Mendes. Forget about it

Singer boy whatever you say sassy

Mila😇 sassy?

Singer boy ok, not so sassy now

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Singer boy ok, not so sassy now

Mila😇 and what am I?

Singer boy cute

Mila😇 you think I'm cute?

Singer boy I think a lot of things about u. U cute on pictures but your sass is insane

Mila😇 it's Latin Sass, we all have it

Singer boy I bet your friends don't

Mila😇 Trust me, they have, they are just fangirling over your popular ass. With other people they are an actual savages

Singer boy nah, i don't believe you

Mila😇 well you don't have to. Where are u now?

Singer boy Orlando

Mila😇 daaaamn lucky, visit Disneyland for me

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Mila😇 daaaamn lucky, visit Disneyland for me

Singer boy I wish I could, but I don't have a free day unfortunately

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