"Oh..ok, well, normal training covers, duelling, logistics, reports, and rounds. We can start with duelling. We'll have to put on a show for the assessment protocols. Once these are signed off you'll be ready to start and introduced to your new partner. It should only take a couple of weeks."

"You're not my partner, Y/N?"

"No, I'm not - you'll be assigned someone at the same level as you, although knowing how you duel, you'll far outclass me in skill and ability."

Instead of looking flattered, Sirius merely frowned, seeming confused.

You ignored his unuttered question and picked up the trainee paperwork, "Ok, So - duelling right away. Yes? Let's get to it!"

He got up off your desk, another smirk gracing his features. "Ok."

"Stop it," you tapped him in his side instantly feeling something at the contact, even briefly, on his body.

Don't get too close. Your brain reminded you. It was a mantra you had held onto when you found out Sirius was free and you would be seeing him regularly since Dumbledore had reassembled the Order.

As he fell into step beside you, your mind thought back to those months. Sirius was, understandably, different since Azkaban. He was harder, less quick to laughter, and far more serious. All these changes did nothing but serve him well in the second war, however, you sometimes missed the carefree Sirius who wasn't constantly calculating escape routes or worrying about what people thought.

"Whoa!" Sirius exclaimed as you entered the training area. It was a high ceilinged, rabbit warren of a room, with jutting walls, hurdles, sweeping metal beams along the roof, and debris littering the ground.

"Yeah... it could use a bit of a once over but it's good for training especially around London." You indicated to the faux cobbled pathways mimicking the city streets. "Those beats can get pretty messy!"

Sirius nodded and made an odd movement, causing you to do a double-take. He was looking at you with a blazing look, one that you hadn't seen in 17 years. A fire had lit in his belly and he was quivering, ever so slightly, with excitement.

He walked up to you achingly slowly, bent towards your mouth, and just when he almost made contact he moved his head to the side to whisper in your ear, "Don't go easy on me now, Y/N."

The momentary blackout caused by his closeness caught you off guard. And it was that mistake that had you on a defensive, racing around dodging his spells for the next hour.

"Ok! Ok! I give up - I SURRENDER!" Sweating and panting heavily, you had grasped your knees, half bent over to catch your breath.

"Sirius appeared from behind a corner, equally hot and bothered; "That was some workout you gave me Y/N."

You rolled your eyes at him. He ran circles around you and he knew it.

"Well, I'd say that's dueling passed then. Next, we'll look at logistics but how about tomorrow yeah? I need a break!."

Sirius looked at you with amused disappointment; "Really? You used to have more stamina that that, Y/N."

You choked on your breath. Sirius was a flirt sure but he hadn't been this blatantly bold since you were in your 20s.

Out of practice and not able to match him you settled with..."Oh yeah...well I...I haven't had any coffee today."

He smiled at you warmly. "Come on then, let's get you back to your rocking chair."

You didn't have the strength to argue and in all honestly the way he placed his arm around your waist, encouraging you to stand straight was all you could focus on.

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