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The class is still empty. I didn't know i will be the one who arrived first.
I choose to sit at the corner of the class, near the window.
But then, something bothered my mind. Should i greet someone who come after me? Or.. Just pretend to sleep?
The second choice is the best.

I pretending to sleep for some minutes until the bell rang and someone poked my shoulder.
"excuse me, can i sit here? There's no other place to sit anymore." He ask me while catching his breath.
"oh, sure." i answer him while smiling and then looking around the class which is now full of boys. Maybe i was not pretending to sleep and was just sleeping.
"what time you arrived? Ah, I'm Kim Sunoo. How about you?"
"i'm Yang Jungwon. Nice to meet you. I'm not sure abot the time but i was here before anyone come and sleeping here."
"waah, you must be coming after the dawn hahaha. I was late because my twin didn't wake me up. Geez. She always thinking about herself." he started to complaining about his twin.
"You have twin?" i asked him
"Yes. The only sibling that i have is my  twin. I'm so glad i attend boys' school so i won't meet her at school anymore." he smile happily, thinking about school without his twin.
"isn't it good to have a twin? You don't have to be lonely even when you're in your mom's tummy."


Tteokpokki Jib [EN-Jungwon short story]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang