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Today is final exam for us. But i haven't seen Sunoo yet. I don't know what's into him but he won't late again, right?

I tried to call him in case he still in his dreamland but he doesn't pick it up.
The bell is about to rang and the exam will be started.

The teacher come and the exam started without Sunoo.


I pick my phone from my bag as soon as i collecting my paper. I saw there's a message from Sunoo

From : Sunno (11.30)
Jungwon-a, my sister is in a critical state. She passed away 3 days ago. Please pray for her.

Not so long after i read that text, Sunno called me
"yeoboseyo? Sunoo-ya, are you okay? how's her condition?"
"Jungwon-a.. She's died.. My twin is passed away Jungwon-a" Sunoo's crying while talk to me.
"where are you now?" I want to be there, supporting him. After that call, i come to the hospital and hug him directly.


In the end, i come back to my home and come again to visit Sunoo on his sister's funeral on the next day.


Tteokpokki Jib [EN-Jungwon short story]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora