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"HEY I HEARD YOU LIKED THE WILD ONES" My throat screeches to the top of my lungs. My body being passed back and forth by the crowd. Everyone's high school favorites playing throughout the musty room of drunk people. Sylvia and I rapping the words together with the strangers we met at the venue.

"Party rocker, fa-show stopper, more shampoo

Number one, club popper

Got a hangover like too much vodka" Sylvia and I grab each other while the Flo-Rida in us let the lyrics spit out. Grabbing my drink again from the table and downing it down quickly before the beat drops, Sylvia doing the same. As if the whole world was in sync, everyone's bodies came rushing down on that same moment. The beat drop causes us to go absolutely crazy, enjoying the vibrations that are coming from the speakers.

   As if the DJ knew what mood we were both in, my favorite song plays. "Coño" I yell. "What-what happened?" Sylvia asks. "THIS IS MY FUCKING SONG, VAMOS PALANTE!" I push her back to the main floor. Sloppily succeeding to reach the lit up floor, our bodies hit every single beat and I feel my sweat run on the side of my face. Not caring about the sweat due to my level of intoxication, my hair starts dropping in my face and I swiftly put it up. Screaming to the top of my longs the pitbull song that Sylvia is trying hard to mouth.


"Una madre que vino en el pelo punk ,

Una abuela que estuvo en la sierra ,

Un padre que trajo bodeguer

El Mariel de miami

Pero cuba es mi tierra

Dale mi gente no comas ?

Usted lo sabe Raul es ?"

Twirling my hair around as if I was some form of cow with no head. I can hear sylvia hyping me up. Screaming the words as I playfully throw my ass back towards Sylvia, and she pretends to be slapping me and hyping me up. We stay for what feels like months on the lit up floor, letting the iridescent lights hit us blind, even if we were blurry eye'd already; the momentary ignorance of just partying was over.

Walking to the car laughing while our bodies sway back and forth, Sylvia's phone starts to ring like crazy. "Hello? Bloody fucking hell calm down, I barely understand what you are saying!" She pulls the phone away from her ear, holding her finger up to me.

  Nodding my head, I lay on the hood of my car watching the night clouds hug the sky. My head is already a bit light from the alcohol, my eyes feel so feather-weighted from admiring the moon for so long. When I was a little girl I used to sit on this small cliff in a dangerous mountainous area, where a kid shouldn't be alone at night. Before my mom and I migrated to America, we lived near mountains and canyons. Surrounded by the most peaceful sounds the earth had to offer, but the best thing about the nature around me was feeling like you were bestfriends with the moon. Even if you were on the highest of canyons or even touching the moon, you would always be under the moon. So round, and so bright but it shines at night for only some people to see. Wouldn't it be nice to be next to the moon? To know the most beautiful being is shining so bright next to you.

"Fuck MAR" Sylvia's british ass voice interrupts my stream of thoughts. Seeming to have sobered up a bit from the conversation she is rushing towards me. "Yes screaming monster?" I say forcing my upper body up.

  "I apologize, one of my clients was sent to the hospital. I really need to get going." She says nervously.

"No problem, don't worry! I'll just take the bus home or something, I am in no state to drive." I say getting up. "Don't be ridiculous, this wanker is all the way in L.A." Confused as to what the wanker being in Los Angeles has to do with anything. "I need to go home so this doesn't get out, that he went to the E.R. and what not." Waving her hand around, she harshly takes the keys away from my hand and gets into the driver seat.

"If I may ask what do you do? You mentioned a client, or one of your clients." Settling into the seat, the heat blasts through the car.

"I work in PR, and I do a lot of managing for a lot of people." She focuses on reversing out of the parking spot. "Mhm, so you tell them what to do and shit." I laugh for no reason, just the influence I am in making everything else more funny. "Yes! I tell them to smack my ass whenever I do something right and make me a smoothie in bed." She rolls her eyes. "But I know important people, I have to make sure that these important people don't end up on the first twitter viral thing or whatever." Her whatever coming out as a "what-evah" made me chuckle to myself.

"Did you go to university for anything?" Her question catching me off-gaurd. "Uh yeah, I was a Physics major." Catching my breath that I didn't even know I was running out of. "With a minor in chemistry." I smile at her.

"Wow, I fucking majored in Business and called it a night. Why are you a bartender?"She turns to look at me. "Life happens, I was doing mega research for my dissertation on theoretical expansion in the galaxy but life man." I ramble, feeling a slight wobble in my head like I am dozing off. "You are a bartender but you were going to be Stephen Hawkings, what the fuck." Her voice getting higher. "Well I mean, not necessarily Stephen but sure."

"Fucks sake Mari didn't know you were smart." She coughs. Looking at me with humor in her eyes. "Wait so is your client okay? I feel weird calling them clients, what's this persons name?" I say as Sylvia pulls into a gated garage underneath a very tall glass building. Turning off the engine. "We were talking about him yesterday." Smiling at me. My mind not processing as fast as it would be if I was sober, the dots connecting a bit slower, my eye's met hers. "The kid from the band?" I say shocked.

"Yeah, his name is Harry. You always forget his name." Chuckling, we walk to the entrance of her building. "Don't blame me, I was more of the blonde ones fan. Neil, I think?" I laugh.

"Niall sweetheart."

"Ah yes Niall! But Harry seemed fun."

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