Do we tell her?

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Hey mis amores! Thank you for being so patient with my updates on Listen :) 

I have been focused on trying to build the plot, and storyline for my other stories that I am writing! So, please check them out if you want :) 

*flashback to last night*

I have not had one sip of my drink. My mind will not let me have one sip, or a moment of a good time unless my suspicions are right. Ever since I saw Mari in person, something in my body clicked. As if I passed a milestone in my life, and this was a new one.

The way she just flaunted outside the airport like some flamboyant flamingo had me intimidated. How she just walked past everyone with her head held high, and her smile worn like a tattoo. There was nothing short of strange about her. Her attitude with people, and how her mouth just opens with pure obscenities.

Tonight, after the meeting, I have the utmost stupidest plan. It can go wrong, but it can also go right. I am going to get everyone drunk, and see if she has any secrets to spill or anything about her.

"Earth to Mari. Hello? Did she have too much to drink?" Sylvia's hand smothers Mari's face, and Mari comes back to life. My plan was going to plan because I didn't even have to do absolutely anything. Sylvia gave Mari around a thousand shots to celebrate the successful meeting.

I didn't expect the meeting to be as lively as it was. Usually the meetings are Sylvia conversing with a posh accent about the marketing, and digital aspects of my career. I just sit there and chime in every once and a while, maybe sometimes I carry the conversation.

As Mari speaks about her home back in the states, I focus on every word to make sure if anything slips.

The conversation has slipped by until Mari gets up and pulls her phone out to the bluetooth. She stumbles to find it. I figured she wears glasses because she is squinting everywhere to find it. Now that I recall, she did take off her contacts the moment we got here, yelling about how her eyes are trapped and how ridiculous it is that she has to pay to see.

My body freezes when she plays the song she was clearly excited for. My mind snaps into the memory of me being up all night in pain, with this exact same song blaring on repeat for an hour. That was the night I finished one of the songs for my albums.

A hand appears in front of me, and I look up to see Mari nudging me to dance. To make it seem as if everything was fine I get up but I now wish I had some alcohol for this.

As we dance, we all start singing but after about 30 seconds, Mari and I are on the floor gasping for an inch of air. I hear a sound in my head but this time not only is it the voice but its some form of ringing that fills my head.

Looking up, I see Mari is the only one singing but to keep up with my charade, I sing the song to make it seem like I am some messy drunk.

As soon as I do this, we are both singing. The ringing fades away as if it never was there, and there are goosebumps layering my skin. Feeling her voice in my head, and clearly mine on hers. The sensation in my mind is oddly soothing. I continue to sing with her, enjoying this euphoric feeling that is occurring. It feels like when someone itches your head, or plays with your hair gently.

Sylvia finally notices us on the floor, after prancing around like a gazelle. This idiot drops to the floor and looks at me.

She starts to grab Mari who has completely blacked out while singing the song. "Fucking help me you shit." I scramble on my feet and help Sylvia to the floor. I wrap my arm around her mid back, and sling Mari's arm around my shoulders.

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