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Hey y'all ! I will be posting soon who Mari in my mind closely resembles!!

Enjoy xxxxxx

My eyes fluttered a bit, trying to adjust to the painful light hitting my eyes. I rubbed my eyes, before feeling my brain legitimately bang against the walls of my head. I groan in pain, before finding the ground.

Confused slightly, I start to recall my previous actions and groan some more. Walking around the very comfortable bed, I realize it's daylight outside. More confusion flooded my mind when I realized that we got to this side of the pond in daylight, but it is daylight now. Maybe I took a short nap. But my mind of course is not letting me settle with that conclusion.

How the fuck did I even get inside a bed?

Also, where even am I?

Leave it up to me to just accept the invitation to a foreign country. Not just a country, a whole other fucking continent and also not even ask about the accommodations.

What if I am a part of a kidnapping ring? Sylvia just created a whole bond, so that she can gain my trust to just kidnap me on my own will.

"You okay there love?" A voice startles my stream of thoughts, causing me to jump and turn around. All I see is a ruffled up man and the peaking head of a woman. Putting names to these people, my eyes adjusted to my surroundings.

"Sylvia?" I say. Why was this room so fucking bright? Sylvia comes into the room and smiles as she enters, from what I can assume is the bathroom.

"You kind of like died in my car, so I had to carry you out of there." His voice sounded exactly like velvet. "Well more like drag you out the car, you went pretty limp there." Snapping my eyes at him and gasping.

"Did you just call me fat?" I say with my eyes wide open. As the words came out my mouth, Harry's eyes snapped wider and his mouth started moving but no sound came out.

"Harry does not listen to her, she has never received proper instruction on how to be actually sarcastic without sounding serious too." Sylvia came out wiping her hands on her pants. I rolled my eyes at her. Harry chuckles with uncertainty and leaves the room.

"You literally drank so much that you slept into the next day." Sylvia tells me after she locks the door after Harry left. She walked by me and opened her suitcase. I'm standing there, not really knowing what to do with myself so I just plop myself again on the bed that feels like a cloud.

She is pulling out clothes from the suitcase and laying it down. I scroll down my phone's voicemail app and see three missed calls from Joshua. Automatically deleting them without hesitation.

"Do you think the red dress is too business?" Sylvia holds up probably the ugliest dress I have seen. My face scrunches up in disgust and she just throws it down back into the suitcase.

"What has you so worked up, we are in London. Do the London look thing." I laugh, doing the maybelline commercial accent.

"I have this dinner with Harry's production team and we are sorting out all the PR stuff, and this is his second album so it is pretty huge." Taking her hair out of the hot rolls, and ruffling them up.

"How huge? Like Jason Mamoa huge or Justin Timberlake separating from NSYNC huge?" I ask flipping my body so now I am laying on my stomach, watching her get ready. Realizing she hasn't even mentioned where I will be at during this dinner.

"Justin" Rolling my eyes, I lean my head into my hands and start looking around the room. "I mean if you guys are going to be spitting ideas, wear something inspirational!" I throw my hands up but realize that left my head to be plopped down. Hearing Sylvia laugh, she goes through her suitcase but turns to look at me and then at my suitcase.

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