Telling the Kids- Part 2(Falice)

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Things have settled down nicely for the Cooper/Jones/Smith family. Charles comes around often, Betty and Jughead are finishing their senior year in high school, and Jellybean is in her last year of middle school. For the first time in a long time, they are all completely happy and at peace. The thought brings a smile to Fp's face because he and his family deserve happiness. For four years their life has been hell, problem after problem after problem, and so on, but now they are able to just exist. They are able to breathe for more than five seconds without some new threat suffocating them.

That's why he thought it the perfect time to propose to Alice. God, he's been wanting to do this for so long, but it was never the right time. Now though, everything in their life is running smoothly. Their life is by no means perfect, nothing is ever truly perfect, but they are finally safe and happy, that is enough for Fp.

Naturally, he doesn't want to wait any longer to pop the question, he has done enough of that. He is sure that Alice Smith, hopefully soon to be Jones, is the one. The one that brings the dopiest of grins to his face by simply thinking about her. The one who's laugh makes him feel all warm and fuzzy inside, especially when he's the one to cause it. So yes he is absolutely sure Alice is the one.

First, he needs the kid's approval because their opinions mean the world to him and Alice. So that's why he's standing in front of them while they all sit on the sofa. He's sure they're going to be okay with him proposing he just needs to confirm it because Fp Jones has screwed up a lot of things in his life and he is going to try his hardest not to screw this up.

"So," Fp begins clasping his hands together, "I want to ask you all something and it's very important." He scans all of their faces making sure that all of them are paying attention (Jellybean).

"What is it, dad?" Charles asks and Fp still feels his heart swell with pride every time Charles calls him dad.

"I, I want to marry your mom, Alice." His nerves begin to go all haywire when he is met with blank expressions. Had he really misinterpreted their signals, he thought they would be okay with this. Happy with this. It appears he was wrong.

"That's great dad." What?  Did he hear that correctly? Is his little girl really okay with him marrying Alice? Man has he gotten bad at reading people because a second ago he was sure they weren't going to approve. Although their blank expressions weren't all that encouraging.

"Jellybeans right," Jughead speaks up and Jellybean shoots a glare at him not using her newly acquired nickname 'JB'. Jughead smirks at his little sister and she punches him in the side, Fp shoots them both glares and they sober up, though Jellybean still has a scowl on her face.

"You really wanna marry my mom?" Betty asks, her smile stretching all the way to her ears.

"Yeah, I do." He replies somehow she smiles even wider.

'I'm cool with it." Betty says. Fp's nerves calm a little bit. Judging from Betty's smile she is more than okay with him proposing and Jellybean and Jughead are also happy with the arrangement, now he just needs Charles's approval.

"Charles, what do you think?" Though the grin on Charles's face is very telling.

"I think it's amazing, though if you hurt her I'll put my FBI training to good use." Fp smiles, Betty and Charles are always so protective of their mom. Fp is only like ninety percent sure Charles is joking though. But Fp hurting Alice won't be a problem, he doesn't intend on hurting any member of their slightly dysfunctional family ever again. This is amazing, not only do all the kids approve they are almost as excited as him.

He can't find a word that will relay show how grateful he is so he settles on hugs, he never was good with words anyway. That was always Alice's thing

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