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"I finally made it through Junior year!" 

"Hey Cara, we did it! When they said that Junior year is the hardest they weren't kidding!" 

My best friend Izzy  is the only reason I even stayed in school. Junior year has been the hardest school wise, boy wise. and worst of all family wise. My parents got a divorce 2 months ago, they had been fighting a lot so it wasn't really a surprise but doesn't mean it didn't hurt. My sister Rory took it hardest. 

"What are you going to do this summer Cara? "Don't forget that I am going to be in Arizona for most of the summer!"

"How could I!" I say sarcastically. Izzy's dad got a promotion and for the summer he needs to be in Arizona. 

I drive home and go down to my bedroom. I really never have done or went anywhere over summer. I kind of do want to do something and get away and have some fun before I have to go back to school! I run downstairs...

"Hey mom I was thinking I am 16, almost 17 so I was wondering if I could do something this summer?"

"What do you mean something?" my mom replies

"Maybe a road trip?" I say as I smile and hug her.

"I don't know"



"Yes, thank you, thank you, thank you!" I say as I run back downstairs. 

I want to leave as soon as possible. But first I need to figure out where I even want to go. Maybe Texas, no I have already been there with my uncle twice. I want to go somewhere where I have never gone. I got it, I am going to go to California! I have always wanted to go anyways, so why not now! 

I pack all my cloths, shoes, makeup, toilet trees, chrome book, chargers, snacks, a map, and some journals. I pack it all up into my car and then tomorrow morning I will be off on my new adventure! 

"What could go wrong?" I say as I drift off to sleep.

It's Kind of boring so far but I promise it's going to get way better! Hope you like the first chapter!

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