Part 12

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Why do stars look so close when they are light years away? You can gaze at them for a lifetime and never truly see them. In a way, it's like people. You see them, possibly every day, but you never truly see them. The invisible distance put in between them and anyone else allowing people to only get so close. Sometimes, even friends are stars.

Dinner ended meekly. After the, uh, "flavorful" outburst, the conversation flow died. Everyone finished their meal and cleaned up while Kageyama stayed at the table fiddling with his thumbs. After a few minutes, the kitchen was spick and span as if the dinner never happened.

Hinata went to go clean himself up in the bathroom when he realized Kageyama was still sitting at the dining table. A devilish smirk formed upon his lips and the bounce in his step returned.

He tip toed away into his room and quickly grabbed something out of his desk and taking it with him back to the setter.

"Kageyama-kun~" he said pleasantly. "I have a gift for you! Would you like it?"

He said it so nicely how could he refuse? "Uh sure?" Kageyama questioned as he held out his hands. But nothing went in them.

*BANG* Something wizzed through the air and smacked Kageyama between the yes.

"Oi! Are you trying to make me more blind?" It was a nerf dart that Hinata had shot.

"Haha! Bullseye! I've still got it! Natsu, Natsu, Natsu did you see that?"

"Yay! Big brother!" She beamed and hopped around Hinata's legs.

She was always his little support buddy. Whenever Shōyō needed happiness, she was more than willing to be his big bright ball of sunshine. Natsu just loved being able to make her brother smile, but she never knew how much that truly meant to Shōyō.


"Ne? Kageyama! No bad words in front of my sister! You're not allowed to corrupt her!"

"One little word isn't going to "corrupt her," Hinata. I think she's smart enough to not say bad words."

Natsu popped out of her hiding place, between Shōyo's legs, and scrambled over to Kageyama.

"You think I'm smart?" She beamed up at the boy she once thought was scary and rude with nothing but joy and admiration. Though Kageyama couldn't see her eyes or face, he could hear the inflictions of her voice.

"All my friends think I'm dumb because I'm clumsy. Everyone thinks I'm not good enough to be a doctor when I get older! Big brother and mommy believe in me, but they don't count! But if you think I'm smart then I can be the best doctor in the world when I grow up! Think I could do it, Mr. Scary?"

Despite the the new nickname he had received, Kageyama smiled at her. It was one of his rare soft smiles that made people think he was a figure of royalty and not his dreaded persona of King of the Court. It wasn't scary or uptight like his usual ones. Even though he practices in the mirror and doesn't understand what he's doing wrong. Everything on his face was pure kindness, and his words pure truth.

"You are the brightest little girl I've ever met. I know you'll grow up to be the best doctor there is and be recognized for your hard work and brains. You'll be so good that when I have an issue, I'll go straight to you because no one else would be able to heal me! And though your friends may not see it, your family and I do. We see past your clumsiness and fumbles because we can see what's really there; a huge heart and a massive brain. Both just waiting to share what they can with the world."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2021 ⏰

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