Chapter 2

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    We are once again taken back to the scene before. An ambulance with 2 people. One boy who is only slightly injured, and another who took the most out of the hit. One who will survive with out a doubt, and the other hanging onto his life by a thin thread, easily broken.

    The last thing Hinata Shōyō remembered was running as lights came flashing into his vision and a heavy feeling hitting his body. He remembered laughing as Kageyama was chasing him. Feeling the wind kiss his face and the ice cold wind blow through his hair. It was almost like he had wings as he ran into the street. The busy street.

    Now he was woken in a crisp, white hospital room from the sound of machines beeping. After examining his surroundings, he found out that he had broken his arm from the blue cast on his left arm, and he had a window being covered with white curtains. A doctor walked in the room on the right side and slowly made her way to Hinata's bed.

"I see you're up, Shōyō." She said sweetly. It was almost sickening. "What happened? Where is Kageyama?! Is he okay?! What ha-" The nurse interrupted his questions with a question of her own. "How do you feel?"

Hinata pondered her question with a dumbfounded face. How did he feel? How did HE feel?! Hinata didn't care about himself, he only cared about Kageyama. "I'm fine! Now please! Tell me if Kageyama is okay!" He pleaded.

"Kageyama.... Kageyama is suffering from a mild concussion and a small coma and we don't know when he will wake up or how bad his condition is. We do know that his head was badly injured from the impact and could cause vision problems, amnesia, or problems with his movement." Hinata could hardly process her words. Heck! He was already having a hard time sitting still and not running out of the room to find Kageyama if it weren't for the fact that he had no idea what room he needed to go to.

"Can I see him?" His voice was breaking and hardly even a whisper came out, but that was all he needed to be heard. "I'll escort you to his room." She bowed and unhooked his IV, heart monitor, and any other cords connecting to his bruised skin.

As the two were walking to Kageyama's room, Hinata was limping with tears in his eyes. Anything bad that could happen, happened and it was all his fault. He couldn't even acknowledge the joy of knowing that both of them were alive! What was the point if one of them was in a coma? What good did that do?! Then it hit him. What if Kageyama never wakes up? Then who will set him the perfect toss or wait for him to walk home? Who will buy him meat buns and milk after practice? Who will be his best friend?

None of this occurred to Hinata until he was there.

Laying in a bed before him covered in bruises, needles, and surrounded by monitors was the Kageyama Tobio. One look at the fragile body made Hinata break down. Tears streamed down his eyes and splashed on the white floor. Weird. He thought. Everything here is white, but there is nothing angelic about a hospital. I can only sense death and sadness. He sat down on a chair next to Kageyama's bed and grabbed his hand, rubbing it as if he could share his heat- his life to the other.

If only you could see the light just one more time.

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