Chapter 1

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"You know, I don't know what you want from me." I tell the Alpha with a shrug. While he is an Alpha, I don't think he's much older than I am. Well, humanly older than I am. Wolf wise, he's twenty-one years older than me. He was born into the pack. Me, I was changed only a year ago by accident when one of the wolves spooked by something in the woods and I got the bad end of the deal when I was in time wrong place at the wrong time.

There's an age gap between some werewolves and humans, especially ones that were turned.

For example. I'm 21 in human years, but Dove is only eight weeks, two months old. Just a baby. I'm still learning how to be a wolf. And I'll be learning how to be a wolf for the next three years of my life. Wolves aren't considered fully turned until they're three years old.

"Rosetta," The man who turned me addresses me. I stare at him where there used to be soft warmth in my eyes is now defiance that dares him to tell me again what to do. He rolls his eyes and introduces the alpha.

"What do you want from me, Sir?" I ask the alpha. The elders of the pack groan and dismiss me back to my room but the alpha follows me. He's almost positive we're mates. Almost 100% positive, and I'm 110% positive he's insane.

"Scott," the way the his name comes off the girl who's the beta's sister's tongue (Scoot?). I close my bedroom door and bolt it.

They're perfect for each other, they're perfect mates, why can't he see that. I pace in my room anxiously.

"Anxious?" Oliver asks turning on my light. I don't even flinch. "Good job," He says, "Finally using your senses."

"No," I answer him shortly, "I'm feeling like a caged animal and I'm feeling trapped."

"Then lets go get you out of here for a while."

Oliver says nothing else just tosses me my coat and then thinks better of it and tosses open my bedroom window before shifting. His large white wolf form, Winter, looks at me pointedly. I heave a sigh before following suite. I cast a glance before nodding. He leaps out the window and I follow after closing the window before my feet hit the ground. I shake out my pelt and Winter gives me an approving look nuzzling my coat affectionately.

"Come on." He charges toward the woods and I race after him leaping onto his back we roll into the dirt and play. My light blonde coat getting just as muddied as his white coat.

He barks happily and I reply in kind. Happy to be free of the villa. I flop happily next to the river and clean my fur. Or rather try to. Every bit I clean Oliver seems to get more mud into. I knock him into the river to get us both cleaned up and nip his ear playfully. He nips back. Neither of us draw blood, then I hear his voice.

"Out!" Winter scrambles out of the river immediately dragging me with him.

"You think, you think, I couldn't track you? I'm your mate." I stay in wolf form next to Winter and flop onto my side with a sigh. If we've done this once we've done this a hundred times. I'm done caring. I really am done caring about it. No matter how many times I tell him no, he'll say yes. I let my pelt brush against Winter's leg without meaning to, but when I roll over  to stand up I see Scott's wolf Spartan's amber eyes flash in anger.

I walk in between the two of them growling at them both to stop them from fighting.

I snap at Spartan as he goes to lunge at Winter.

"I don't belong to you. I don't belong to Winter, I don't belong to Magnus, I don't belong to anyone." I growl.

Winter pins me, both with a look and physically. "We'll wash up in the river and be back at the villa as soon as our pelts dry." He says. "My word as your beta."

"See that it's done," Spartan trots off back toward the villa without another word and Winter turns on me not letting me up.

"You do not speak to your alpha that way, no matter how much you want to. Not unless you want to turn into a lone wolf forever. No pack will take you if your pack turns you out. Pack law. Understood?"

His claws dig into my skin. I whimper from the pain, but refuse to answer. "Dove?"

"Understood," I finally answer with a sigh. He finally lets me up and I stand up. I wash my fur in the river this time neither of us waste any time doing so. He licks my pelt where his claws dug in, meaning he drew blood, since I can't reach it. We both go to sun, or in our case, moon bathe. "Why can't he understand that you and I, we're just friends?" I ask Winter as I rest my head on my paws. He shakes his head. His ears alert.

After a few hours our pelts are dry and we head back to the villa. Clothes are waiting in the barn for both of us. We both go into a stall and shift back into human form and put on our clothes.

"For what it's worth Rose, I'm sorry I got you in trouble," Oliver says.

"Anyone willing to chew out their beta for talking to a girl-" I just roll my eyes and go to my room where I usually get sent when I'm about to say something about the alpha I shouldn't.

"You may not like Scott or Spartan," Oliver says, "But he is a great leader. An amazing leader. He's spent the past 7 months leading, keeping this pack safe, and keeping us hidden from the humans."

"Except me," I deadpan. I'm the only human they've turned in quite a while. Werewolves die, but they have an extremely long lifespan. This pack hasn't turned anyone in centuries.

"Magnus had been drugged by a vampire's scorn ex-lover. We had no idea."

"No idea that there would be humans out walking home at 530 pm on a Friday night. Hmmm, that's not checking out in my book." I open my bedroom door and then close it behind me locking it between Oliver and myself. I lay in the bed with the only things I was allowed to bring from home. Yes, I mean my family thinks I'm away studying abroad for school, but that's kinda beside the point, especially when summer comes and I don't come home. My family will never see me again. I'll never get to see them again either.

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