Chapter 8

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3rd POV - 3 months later

Nick rolled over to an empty bed. River suddenly on alert looking for Dove. That's when he heard her. Throwing up in the bathroom, again. That's the fourth morning in a row. He immediately got up and raced to her side. He pulled back her hair and rubbed he back.

"Hey," Nick says softly. "Are you feeling okay?"

She gives him an annoyed look.

"Let me take you to the pack doctor." He says.

"No." She says she sounds so weak. "There's no need."

River's whimpering from his mate in pain.

"I'm fine." She leans back against him and closes her eyes.

Nick, not listening, picks her up knowing she's too exhausted to fight back as he takes her the pack doctor. Smiling as she nestles into his warm chest and closing her eyes and fall asleep. River's chest rumbles happily that she's finally settled and safe in his arms.

"Faith," Nick sounds panicked as he puts her down in one of the beds in the doctor's office. "Help her, please. Help her."

"Alpha, there's nothing I can do, only time can fix this one." She says gently he gives her a panicked horror stricken look. "Alpha, your mate is pregnant." She looks at both of them. Rosetta sleeping soundly. "Only the Goddess can help her now."

Nick looks up at Faith their pack doctor before looking at Rosetta in wonder. A baby? A pup? His pup.

"Congratulations Alpha." She says smiling softly.

"Does Rose know?" Faith nods.

"She found out last night."

River grumbles at Nick for working late and not being back in time to see Rosetta before she fell asleep. Surely she would've told us. River grumbles not hiding his annoyance with Nick.

"How far along?"

"She's got another 30 weeks." Faith smiles. "I'll leave you two alone. I've already sent her prenatal care to your room."

She walks out of the room and Nick looks at his mate sleeping soundly. She's carrying his pup. This was their pup. She's just a young wolf herself, so would it be a human or a wolf? So many questions only the Goddess knows the answers to. He sits on the bed next to her gently running his fingers through her hair. River hears Dove growling appreciatively.

Finally Rosetta stirs. "Nick?" She asks sleepily.

"Right here my love." He bends down kissing her temple and gets up so he can help her sit up. "I'm right here."

"Why did you bring me to the doctor?" She looks at him with mock annoyance. He blushes the embarrassment apparent on his face.

"I was worried about you. You had been throwing up for days and you didn't tell me-"

"I'm sorry." She says apologetically. "I tried to wait up for you last night," she swings her legs over the side of the bed to face him cupping his cheek with her hand. River growls appreciatively at Dove's touch. "I wanted to tell you last night, I was so exhausted that I must have just fallen asleep waiting for you."

Once again, Nick gets an earful from River about Nick and his Alpha duties keeping him from his adoring mate. Nick pulls her into his arms happy that she's okay. She melts into his arms sighing happily. "I guess this little one comes from all our late nights together." Nick's hand rests on her still flat stomach. Imagining their journey that's yet to come.

"Yea, lots of unprotected sex will tend to heighten the chances of pregnancy." Rosetta giggles nestling into his chest wrapping her arms around him. His Luna was safe that's all that mattered to him. Her Luna ceremony and the marking ceremony performed only days after she was found. But he remembered them as if they were yesterday.

When the Alpha wants YouDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora