"Melanie has a date." Clay said.

"Possible date, thank you." Mel said. "We're going out tomorrow night to give it a dry run."

"Weren't you just crying this morning that no one likes you?" Drew asked her.

"Funny I don't remember asking you to speak." Mel teased him.

"Well, if you have a date tomorrow night that means I know what we're off to do." I said, grabbing Mel's hand. "Goodbye boys."

"Bye." They laughed as we parted ways.

Mel and I made our way over to my car when I realized I needed a favor.

"Hey Drew?" I called out behind me.

"I'll get your sister." He laughed.

"That boy is a god sent." I said to Melanie.

"He's his mother's son, that's for sure." She responded. "Not entirely sure what happened to Clay."

"Clay's a good guy." I said.

"Oh one of the best, he just closets it. I don't know why he goes for the stereotypical douchebag hockey player approach. Uncle Jack wasn't like that and Drew isn't like that so I just don't get it." She explained.

"You think it has something to do with Claire?" I asked.

"Could be, I don't know. Not like we can really ask." Mel said.

"Fair enough." I added as we buckled in. "You ever wish we got to stay together? Like not just vacations every year, actually growing up together and making all those memories like Uncle Cole and Uncle Jack?"

"Absolutely, I mean I can't imagine us being any closer as it is but I would have loved to get to live within a block from the Hughes' and the Caufield's and everyone. At least I had you though." Mel smiled.

"Awe, you're hearts thawing out." I teased.

"Just drive." She rolled her eyes.


"You know your parents are gonna flip when they check your credit card statement?" Mel asked as we walked into the Hughes house.

"That is an argument for a later time, my dear friend." I smiled.

"What is?" My dad's voice asked from behind me.

"Crap. Is it Tuesday?" I asked Mel, still not turning around.

"Hey Uncle Alex." Melanie smiled, taking her bags down to her room.

"Brooke..." My dad said. "What argument?"

"Just don't check the credit card statement tonight, please." I said slipping down to the basement where Mel had the guys laughing. "Thanks for the assist, ass."

"What the hell was I supposed to do?" Mel laughed.

"Anything other than run!" I threw a pillow at her.

"Can you guys come up here and help real quick? I need help!" Uncle Jack yelled down the stairs.

"Who?" Drew responded, his eyes locked onto the screen.

"All of you." 

"Well it's obviously not something heavy if he wants you guys." Clay paused the game.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Mel asked.

"It means you're a wimp, Mel." Clay retorted as she threw a punch to his abdomen and he swung her over his shoulder. 

"Alright, I'm going to take a piss and then I'll be up there." Connor said.

"So delicately worded my dear brother." Melanie said as the four of us made our way up the stairs to the living room, chasing each other and laughing obnoxiously.

"I am going to kick your ass Hughes you better run." I teased Drew as he ran to the top of the stairs on all fours like an infant.

"You're like a large child." Mel teased him as he full stopped at the top of the stairs and we all crashed into each other.

"Ow! My nose!" Clay yelled as it collided with the back of my head. 

"Jesus Drew what the hell?" I pushed him and finally saw over his shoulder at what he was gawking at.

"Hi." Said the petite brunette framed in the doorway of the Hughes' front entrance. "Miss me?"

"Paige!" Mel screamed, shoving Drew out of the way and running full force at Cole and Abbey's daughter in the doorway.

"Oh my god, what is happening?" I excitedly ran to join the group hug.

"Hey, I'm here too." Her brother Jesse said, leaning on the door frame of the kitchen.

Clayton broke into a sprint and curled his body into a canon ball position before jumping into Jess's arms.

"Oh god!" Jess laughed catching Clayton. "Hey bro."

"My turn! My turn! My turn!" Mel aggressively shook Clayton's arm.

"Hi buddy." Jess hugged Mel, picking her up off the ground.

"Hey, that's my best friend. Get your own." Drew said to Jess before dapping him up.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah." Jess said.

"Hi Andy." Paige gushed hugging Drew.

"Oof, didn't miss that." Drew said.

"Brookey...." Jess lingered, his low voice bellowing as his arms were out waiting for me.

"Hi Jesse." I hugged him.

"Where's my love?" Uncle Cole appeared.

"Uncle Cole!" Everyone rejoiced as we all hugged him.

"Oh suck it Alex, I am so the favorite Uncle." He laughed.

"You wish, CC." My dad retorted.

"Aunt Abbey is definitely the coolest." Abbey walked in from the kitchen with a glass of wine and two small blue bags, handing them over to Mel and I.

"Oh, absolutely she is." I hugged her. "Thank you."

"Of course baby." She hugged Mel and looked to the twins. "Your gifts are in the form of hockey sticks and they are in the car." 

"I love when the Caufield's come to town." Clay said.

"Well, how would you feel about the Caufield's moving to town?" Paige asked and we all whipped our heads around.

"I'm sorry, what?" Drew asked.

"Guess who's a Red Wing?" Uncle Cole said as we all rejoiced.

"So are you...?" Clay turned to Jess.

"Starting with the NTDP and PCEP on Monday, hell yeah I am." He said and we all celebrated again.

"Oh, it's loud up here. What did I miss?" Connor said from the top of the basement stairs forcing everyone to turn and face him, watching as all the color drained from his face.

"Guess who's moving to Plymouth?" Clay said excitedly.

Jess stood up straight and began to step toward Connor when Drew's arm flew out across his chest.

"Well," Connor said. "Welcome home."

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