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The scene begin with Mr Kim throws papers on Taehyung's face. He flinched, closed and opened his eyes when the papers touched his face then drops on the floor. He's currently inside the meeting room with his father and with Managing Directors from 10 best automobile companies in SK. 

Everyone in the meeting room exchanged glances and started to whisper to each others. Taehyung gasped and his tear flooded eyes looks up at Mr Kim.


"Who prepared the presentation?!",

Taehyung gasped, it wasn't him. He was just presenting the slides which prepared and given by Namjoon. It supposed to be Namjoon, the one should do the presentation but last minute the elder has an important meeting with his colleague, so he asked Taehyung to do the presentation.

"Open your fucking mouth!",

Taehyung flinched when his father yelled. He gulped.


He lied. He don't know what's wrong with the presentation but he's ready to take the blame for his brother. Putting blame on him or getting hurt for other's mistakes, it's not new for him, he used to it but he don't want his father scold his brother...and for saying that he received a hard slap from his father.

"You scoundrel!",

Taehyung grits his teeth while his head facing aside and hold his red cheek.

"If you can't even do simple presentation properly then why are you still alive?! Just die already!",

Tears dropping from corner of Taehyung's eyes while facing aside. 


Mr Kim annoyingly mumbled, huffed as he turns around, faced the MD's and bow at them. 

"On behalf of him, I'd like to apologize to all of you for the confusing. I actually asked to prepare all concept car presentation but he prepared only for the sport car...Just..just give me a couple of days, I can prepare a proper presentation and-",

Before Mr Kim could finish, rest of them let out sighs in disappointment and sat up-

"I'm sorry Mr Kim but I don't think so you can. Only couple of days left for the exhibition and the deadline for submitting all presentation is tomorrow. We really can't do anything, sorry",

One of them said as they'll started to leaving the room. Mr Kim loss is words and stand frozen. Taehyung gasped as he about to make step to his father-


"Are you happy now?!....*glared at his son* You always love to humiliate me in front of everyone, don't you?",

Taehyung blinks and shook his head.

"No, father-",

"STOP calling me like that! I feel so fucking disgusting!", 

Taehyung taken aback.

"You are my father and I'm your son too",

Mr Kim scoffs. 

"Son?! My foot! I have a one son and his name is Kim Namjoon!",

Taehyung furrow his brows as he kept stared at his father with aching heart.

"Then what about me? Who am I?",

"Someone worthless, useless and always wrong! What are the right things you've done?!...Tell me! Ever since I let you in this company, what are the right things you've done?! You're always messing things up! You're good for nothing!",

I Wish You Were A Girl [TAEJIN] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now