^ 36 ^

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Taehyung open his eyes real slow and relaxed, as if the day was kind enough to come softly into focus. He looks around, it wasn't his home nor he was sleeping on his luxury chamber but a place where he find peace, no stress and comfort. 

He slowly blinked and smiled. He then looks on his right but his smile drops, empty?

He get up in hurry and looked around when Seokjin, who was sleeping beside him, nowhere to find. He sit up, went out of the room to look for the elder whether he's at the living room but he's not there too. He gasped, blinked then looks at the Kitchen entrance. He might be in kitchen, with that thought, he make his way towards kitchen. He breath out deeply then smiled after noticed Seokjin in the kitchen. He looks at the elder, who showing his back at him and chopping..green onions? 

Jin didn't aware of Taehyung's presence until the younger called him.


His sudden voice makes Jin looks at him and at the same time he accidentally get cut by the knife. He hissed.The younger's eyes widened as he rushed towards the elder and without any warning he takes Jin's hand and sucking the blood off his finger. 

Seokjin stared at him in surprise. 

"How could you be so careless?!",

He gasped and his heart pounding faster and harder when Taehyung scolded him then sucking the blood off his finger again. Something in Seokjin really telling him to kiss the younger. He slowly bring his hand towards the younger's cheek and hold it. Taehyung stopped whatever he was doing and looks at him. Their eyes moves here and there in sync. His eyes goes down to Jin's lips when the elder literally nearing to his lips. Once Jin's lips meet his's, he closed his eyes. He hold the elder's cheek and when he want to deep the kiss, Seokjin pulls apart and looked away. 

Taehyung looks at him in confuse. 

"..i'm-i'm s-sorry, i-",

Jin paused and closed his eyes when Taehyung hold his face, turns him and pressed his lips on his's. Seokjin didn't part his lips as he moved his hand against the other's chest and pushed him away, gently.  

Taehyung frown. Jin looks down. 

"I don't want you feel bad-",

"I will not",

Seokjin paused as he looks at the younger. Taehyung move close to his face, hold his cheek and stared into the elder's brown eyes.

"You know I'm still new to all this....but I want to try",

Jin gasped while looking into the other's eyes. 

"I wanna love you, hyung",

Seokjin lips slightly parts as he kept stared at the younger in unbelievably. His eyes lips trembled and his eyes begin to blur with tears. He shook his head slightly and try to take off the younger's hand from his cheek-

"Taehyung, please. I have no strength to continue this kind of joke", 

"I'm not joking",

Taehyung said while holding the elder's cheek. Jin blinked non-stopped when the younger suddenly pulled him into a embrace.

"Just give me a chance to love you and I promise I'll do my best",

Tears, which Jin were holding started to falling down from his both eyes. He open his mouth but no words coming out. He lost for words. He hugged back the younger and shed tears. Taehyung pulls apart and wipe away his tears. Both looks into each other's eyes. Taehyung then closed the gap between their lips. He gently pressed his lips on his's and this time Seokjin kissed him back. 

I Wish You Were A Girl [TAEJIN] ✔️जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें