"You left me, Amiyah!", Dominic said. "I'm tired of this back and forth shit"

"Dominic, I can't help this! I don't wanna be with Lamar and I'm not going to be with him. I'm just trying to get this thing off my arm and- and-"

"And what?", Dominic asked.

"...I can't say, because I don't know if I want to do it", Amiyah said.

"Do what?", Dominic asked.

Amiyah sighed. "Nothing", she said. "But I just understand why you're mad at me. We are basically still together, I just said that so Lamar would calm down"

"Because you left with him. You didn't have to do that", Dominic said.

"What else was I supposed to do Dominic!? If my uncle did anything, my aunt and cousin would be dead right now. I doesn't do anything because I would be dead and you were shot. It was nothing left to do", Amiyah said.

Dominic sighed of frustration.

"I'm sorry", Amiyah said.

"I guess it's not you I'm mad at. It's more so the situation in general. The fact that I promised you something and I couldn't do it", Dominic said. "So for that, I'm sorry"

"...I'm trying to figure out a way to get this off my wrist and when I do...I'm going to end this", Amiyah said.

"By doing what?", Dominic said. "Killing him?"

Amiyah didn't say anything.

"And you're not denying it...Amiyah aren't you the one who said don't?", Dominic said.

"Yea...but it looks like jail couldn't even hold him. He escaped, some way and some how", Amiyah said. "I'm tired of being scared for my life every single day...this has to end"

"Amiyah I don't think that'll be good on your conscious", Dominic said.

"But in the apartment you wanted me to shoot him that time", Amiyah said.

"Because I angry at the time but I'm glad you didn't". Dominic said.

Amiyah started crying. "So what am I supposed to do?", she asked. "If I fall the police, it's no telling what he'd do to me or Kaden before they even get in the house"

"Where are you?", he asked.

"I can't tell you because you may come and I don't want you to", Amiyah said.

Dominic sucked his teeth.

"Amiyah, I've finally built up the courage and finally got things together the way I wanted to be, so that I could be with you and I'm not going to let him get in the way of that. I'm not going to let him hurt you anymore", Dominic said.

Amiyah heard the front door as she stood in one of the rooms.

"Dominic, I love you okay? I have to go. Do not call back", Amiyah said before she hung up and put the phone down. She quickly deleted the call from the call log and put the phone back. She got into the bed and under the covers.

Lamar finally came into the room and looked at her. Amiyah was already looking at him.

"Lamar", she said with a innocent and sad voice.

"What", he asked as he picked the house phone up and looked to see if she called anyone.

"I'm sorry", she said. "I'm sorry for doing you wrong"

Lamar looked at her for a moment then he stopped. He began plugging the house phone and breaking it.

Amiyah really wished he didn't do that.

Lamar left it on the floor and sat on the edge of the bed.

"...I thought you were leaving", Amiyah said.

"I was...but I'll just wait for a better time", Lamar said as his back faced him.

Amiyah sighed but she didn't make a noise as she did it.

Lamar sat there for a moment then took his shirt off. "Take your clothes off", Lamar said.

Amiyah didn't say anything or do anything.

Lamar looked back at her as he stood up to take his pants off. "What did I say?", he asked.

Amiyah held back her anger and did as he said.

Lamar hovered over her. "You know, I really missed this body", he said before kissing her neck.

Amiyah wanted to cry but she held it in.

Lamar had sex with her, basically raping her even though she didn't tell him to stop. She was too scared to and she still had the bomb on her wrist.

Amiyah could tell by Lamar's facial expression that he was getting ready to come.

"Okay, pull out", she said.

"Shut up", he said as he covered her mouth and came inside of her.

Amiyah's anger was 10 times greater.

Lamar got off of her and laid next to her.

Amiyah laid on her side and didn't face him but Lamar did come up behind her and put his arm around her.

"Maybe this time it'll be a girl", he said.

Amiyah began to tear up. She was furious.


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