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If anyone asks me

"What is hell?
I would answer

                "Distance between
                  two people who love
                         each other."

The first thought that came to me when I left the room was that
I messed up!

Being the receiving end of the disapproving and disappointed glances of your family is not a good feeling. Cherry on top the lady which I vowed to protect till the end of time is crying because of me.

The pain and regret was literally killing me.
I directly went to my study. Work is the only thing that can distract me now. It has always been my escape from reality. But,

Oh Boy! How wrong was I?

I have been sitting here in this hell hole for over 4 hours now.
But guess what??
I read one paragraph.
That too I didn't understand a word of.

I leaned back on my chair, resting my head over the comfotable seat may I add once comfortable.

I need her.

What the heck am I even doing in this hell hole.
I manipulated her, I did every bloody thing for being with her.
And then how did I end up in the middle of these stacks of papers?


I have to be with her. I looked over the wall clock. 6am
Seriously I was so immersed in my thoughts that I didn't even feel the time passing. I was going to get up when the door clicked making me settle back on my seat.

There stood the beauty who have been disturbing my sole existence since she entered my life. Not that I'm complaining.

She looked at me with those hazel eyes. I immediately averted my gaze to the file kept in front of me. Not looking at her.
I could feel her gaze on me. Moments passed not hearing any sound I looked up and saw her going through the books in the shelf.

After taking out a book she came and sat on the chair placed in front of my desk, it really doesn't feel like it's her first time here, it is always like she was part of my life, with me all along.
She started reading the book and I started staring at her.

She spoke without looking up
" I didn't know you can read files upside down."
I immediately looked down, indeed the file was placed upside down.
I just kept the file correctly and started reading, more like started acting like reading.

After couple of moments she spoke again
"The word starts with S, ends with Y and has 5 letters"

I heaved a sigh

I looked up, our eyes collided. In this errie silence it felt I was seeing those hazel galaxies for the first time.
Suddenly my mind went back to that morning when I went to get a glimpse of her in the campus.

That same peace and solace was what I was feeling.

"Yesterday you told me this is not how it works and what are you doing now Abhimanyu? You are running away.
Let's talk this out."
I can't tell her now how I manipulated her. How I selfishly weaved a web of lies around her universe to blend it the way I want.
I will tell her that's for sure but not now, I am just asking for one week.

"One week." I told in 'the' tone.
She heaved a sigh and looked away.

Then after a long time she stated
"Okay one week and Mr Abhimanyu Shikhawat that's all you get are we clear?"

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