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''look i get Clay can be charming and all but keep it together alright? you're lucky clay is oblivious as fuck cause you definitely seemed like you were about to explode back there

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''look i get Clay can be charming and all but keep it together alright? you're lucky clay is oblivious as fuck cause you definitely seemed like you were about to explode back there.''



how the fuck did he know? was he really that obvious? i mean George was one of the observant types but.. wait a minute here.

look i get clay can be charming...

George thinks clay is charming? 

''SAPNAP!'' George shouted, shaking the raven out of his thoughts.

''HU- WHAT?!'' 

''Sapnap I swear to god if you zone out on me one more time, I'm not paying for your food anymore,'' said George with a sigh that probably indicated that the raven was zoned out for a bit.


''cmon, let's go. bell's about to ring for next class.''

''eww, history...'' Sapnap groaned earning a snicker from the brunette. 


''i think i failed that history review test..'' cried Sapnap.

''i'm not even remotely surprised,'' George grinned as he playfully elbowed the raven's shoulder. ''anyways i heard a rumor about the local food supply ran out, and now we're having pizza for lunch.''

''ooo~ i'd die for pizza right now...'' Sapnap mumbled in pleasure.

''don't get your hopes up just yet Snapmap, could be just a rumor.'' said the brunette as he pulled out his phone, well aware of the rule not to have it out in the first place.

''i told you not to call me that Georgie.'' 

''mhm whatever you say, Snapmap.'' 

''oh shut up.''

''you wouldn't say that to Dream though..'' George teased.


''mhm.. just wait like a week or two..''

''is that a bet?''

''you know me so well.''


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