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(adj.) love-struck.

"I want to break up."


"you heard me, Sapnap."


Sapnap; a 19-year-old boy had heard those words so many times, yet still got heartbroken despite knowing what came next. the raven sighed before nodding his head watching as his now ex walked off. boy was he getting tired of getting confessions from strangers and all of a sudden, boom they broke up.

"man do girls love breaking your heart" George, his childhood friend of 6 years, laughed as he had witnessed Sapnap get heartbroken yet again.

the boy weakly smiled at his friend as he watched George ramble on and on about how he'd find his true love one day. gritting his teeth, frustration came over the raven at how many times he'd let himself willingly get heartbroken. Sapnap rolled his eyes at the brunette lost in words before pulling his phone out of his sweatpants.

"George." his voice was raspy and cold as he snapped the brunette out of his little wonderland.

"sorry, it's just sad how you show little to no interest when it comes to dating."

immediately regretting his words, George tried to explain what he meant but dropped it when he noticed the raven's emotionless expression drawn on his face. quilt rushed into the brunette's mind and before he knew it, uncomfortable silence surrounded the two boys.

"look I didn't mean that I just-"

"just stop, George." Sapnap snapped, interrupting his childhood friend before walking off inside the college campus.

truth was, George was right, of course, he'd never admitted it though. the raven never even knew half of his ex's and showed little to no affection for them. maybe that was why he constantly got heartbroken, maybe that was the reason.

maybe he was the reason.

before he knew it, Sapnap's vision went blurry as he slammed into what felt like a pole. wiping his eyes he realized that he had completely walked into another person who appeared to not have been paying attention either.

"sorry.." the raven mumbled, not looking for conversation.

regaining his balance, he walked away from whoever he had just bumped into who only scowled in annoyance. so much for returning to George peacefully, he'd probably get scolded for getting hurt. Sapnap laughed to himself at how much the brunette cared for him, yet confusion still ached within him.

looking around, he glared at the library across from him. he didn't mind reading, the raven found it peaceful for him and often came there to regain his thoughts. Sapnap smiled to himself as he made his way over towards the library.

the library was quiet and mostly empty which wasn't unexpected. making his way through the maze of shelves, the raven finally found the beanbags only to find he wasn't alone.

his heart raced when he saw him.

a blonde seemingly tall male that wore a green hoodie and white mask that looked like it was staring right at you. Sapnap found himself staring at the boy before finally getting the courage to sit down next to the stranger.

the raven found himself sitting as far as he could from the boy, as thoughts raced in and out of his mind. he wasn't expecting a visitor here as he was normally alone, who was he kidding? he was stood right in the college library and was expecting to be alone? god, Sapnap wished right there and then that he didn't come to the library.

"you do realize that I'm right here, right?"

Sapnap felt himself flinch as he slowly tilted his head towards the blonde, who had been staring at him. the raven couldn't tell if the blonde was smirking at him but most likely was. he felt a lump in his throat suddenly form and struggled to even make a sentence.


"SAPNAP! there you are!"

a flow of relief came over when he saw George. if the brunette wouldn't have come sooner, Sapnap would've probably only embarrassed himself even more. he awkwardly waved at his friend before getting up from the beanbag he had been sitting on.

"you better not run off again, Snapmap," said George as he lightly punched the raven's arm.

"wow nice to see you too, George," said the blonde, making Sapnap slowly duck behind the brunette; despite being taller than him.

letting out a chuckle, George let the younger boy get behind him before turning his attention to the blonde. ''yeah yeah, nice to see you too Clay.'' 

''who's the shy one behind you?''

''oh this, this is-''


''nice to meet you Sapnap.''


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