Chapter 4: Packing Up

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Alex POV~

I'm currently signing my baby girl out and they are taking our watches off. I have to make a mental to tell her my name. I don't think I ever told her it. When they took our watches off we exited and walked to my car. Seeing as the people who dropped her off left already.

"Hey, do you mind holding my hand when we cross the road heading to my car? I just don't like it when littles like you cross without guidance." I mean I know she's not in headspace but you got to be prepared for anything.

"Umm sure I guess." She grabbed my hand and we proceeded to walk down the road.

I look back at her and see that she is blushing a little. It kinda made me happy that she is blushing it means she likes it.

"Oh by the way my name is Alex. I didn't tell you earlier, I don't know if you knew already."

"No, I didn't know your name thanks for telling me."

"No problem.", I said. When you first meet a person it is always awkward.

We made it to the car and we got in she is getting in the front seat. I don't mind but when she is in headspace she is going to go in the back.

"So my place is a long way from here, like a 4-hour drive plus a plane ride. Do you want to stop by your house and get your bags? We are probably going to stay at a hotel for tonight seeing as it's already getting late."

"Yea that's fine by me I already am packed so it wouldn't take long."

"Alright just tell me your address and we can get going." She told me her address and we are on our way.

It takes 30 minutes to get to her house,  15 minutes in she is right back to sleep. I gotta remember driving puts her to sleep, it's going to help in the long run.

We made it to her house and I got out of the driver's seat to wake her up. Seeing as though she gets scared easily I make sure I'm gentle with it.

"Hey, baby girl wake up we are here," I said caressing her cheek.

"Hmm." She mumbled rubbing her eyes awake.

"Hey let's not do that," I said grabbing her hand away from her eyes. She whined and opened her eyes. "Come on let's get you inside." I grabbed her hand and lead her to the front door. Knowing I'm a stranger to these people I ranged the doorbell. A few seconds later it opened to a woman who looked like she's in her late 40s.

" Oh hello, you must be Riley's caregiver. Nice to meet you." She said as she looks from Riley to me.

"Hi, nice to meet you too. You must be Riley's mom." I said offering my hand to shake hers.

"Indeed I am." She said shaking my hand.

" I'm sorry Riley was sleeping in the car and I don't know if she's fully awake yet." Riley is currently holding my hand and leaning her head on my shoulder.

"Oh yes, Riley does tend to sleep whenever she's in the car. But please come in." She said making the door bigger so we can go inside.

We walked inside, the house is a regular white picketed suburban house. "Riley why don't you go and get your things I'll be in here ok." She nodded and went to her room I suppose. Her mom came in with some tea and pastries and sat down on the couch beside me.

"Sorry, where are my manners my name is Georgia. No Mrs stuff in here, I want you to feel welcome." She said taking a cup of tea off the tray and drinking it.

"I do feel welcome and thank you for the tea. I hope it wasn't any trouble." I said taking the other cup of tea off the tray.

"Oh no, of course, it wasn't. I'm sorry you couldn't meet my husband he is at work currently."

"That's no problem I'll meet him someday surely."

"So you're planning on visiting some time?" She asked raising her eyebrows.

"Of course I would like to get to know more of Riley's family. If that's ok with you."

"That's quite alright with me."

We sat there talking for a few more minutes until Riley was done getting her things. She said goodbye and were off to the hotel.

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