"I don't sound like that! Now give it back."yelled James grabbing the ball in his hands. "Ha! Got it!" he then looked at the ball. It was blury. He looked up to Sirius who was even more blury, but he could definetly see the grinn on his face. "Fuck you Sirius!"

Sirius tried on his glasses but quickly took them off as his eyes were tearing up. "Damn Prongs. How blind are you?"

"Not blind enough to tackle you!" he yelled running towards Sirius and knocking him on the ground. There was a lot of wrestling going on with Peter just watching it happen from the couch.

Sudennly Lilly came down and cleared her throat. Sirius and James stopped fighting and looked up at her. "Ladies and idiots. I present to you, new and improved Remus John Lupin!" she yelled and waved her hand towards the door. The door didn't open and the silence was echoing through the whole room. Lilly glared at the door and this time she sounded angrier. "Remus John Lupin!" she yelled louder.

"No way!" yelled Remus behind the door.

"Remus get your ass down here or I swear to God I Will drag you out of there!" yelled Lilly.

There was a sudden crack and the door slowly swung open. Remus didn't knew if he should even step out. 'Maybe dying isn't that bad.' he thought. He stepped out in a long red dress. His hair were clipped back and he had red lipstick on. The dres was a bit puffy on the end and his shoulders were too big for the straps. A big laughter started echoing through the room, the loudest was of course Sirius', but everybody was rolling on the ground.

James whistled and winked at Remus. "Looking good Moony!"

"Give us a twirl gorgeous!" yelled Mary.

"What's up hotstuff!" said Marlene, winking at him.

"You know what guys. If I have to wear this, than I might as well work it." said Remus, flipping his imaginary hair and walking around the room like a model.

Sirius walked next to him with a big smirk on his face. "Hey Remuseta. Are you from Tennassee, because you're the only ten I see."

"Remuseta?" snorted Remus, rolling his eyes. "Better find a better pick up line than this Black if you want all of this." he moved his hands against his body to his boobs, stuffed with socks.

James and the others started laughing. This time at Sirius. "Damn Pads. You just got rejected by Moony." said James.

"No, no. I got this." said Sirius, rubbing his hands together and fixing his hair. He leaned on the door and looked at Remus. "You know Moony. This lipstic really points out your eyes. They are beautifully green.I usually see them only on the sun, but damn you glow."

Remus felt a big rush on his cheeks. Why was he blushing? "Sirius stop." he said and sat down on a chair. He looked at Lilly, who had a big smug face looking at him. "Are you happy now Evans?"

"Revenge is sweet." was all she replied before walking away, pulling James with her.

Sirius was staring at Remus. "You know Moony. This dress really shows your legs." he smiled, getting a snort of laughter from Marlene and Mary.

"Thank you Sirius. I shaved them just for you." he said, uncovering his leg from the puffy dress.

"So. How does it feel?" asked Marlene.

"Kind of breezy." said Remus, tapping on the puffy dress. "I swear I kind of like it. Makes me feel powerful and hot."

" Than you better not take it off. Only if you want to." winked Sirius, getting another eyeroll from Remus.

"In your dreams Black. " retorder Remus,

"Oh my god. Get a room." said Marlene, rolling her eyes.

"Oh stop it Marls. You are just jealous because Remuseta looks hotter in your dress than you." said Sirius, winking at Remus again.

"Please stop calling me Remuseta." sighed Remus, tapping the puffy skirt again. "I feel so hot in this dress."

"That makes two of us." added Sirius.

"That's it. I'm going." said Marlene and stood up. She looked at Remus angrly and spoke. "You can keep the dress. You already streched it."

"What's her problem?" said Remus, watching Marlene storm into her room.

"I'm still waiting for my twirl Remus." interrupted Mary, sitting next to Peter.

Remus smiled and quickly stood up. "Okay. You ready?" he beamed. He twirled around and the red dress, beautifully spinned around, leaving pieces of glitter behind.

Mary giggled and walked over to Remus. She took his hand and started spinning him. "Twirl my Remuseta. Twirl!" she giggled.

Remus stopped spinning. He felt dizzy and everything started spinning. Suddenly he felt arms from behind, keeping him up while he was struggling with his balance. "Come on. Let's get you to bed. I think that glitter did something to your head." said Sirius.

Remus still felt dizzy. It was like he was drunk but he didn't drink a thing. He just felt dizzy and the picture kept getting blurrier. Sirius looked at giggling Mary and gave her a questioning look. "Why are you laughing?"

"Glitter!" she beamed and threw her arms in the air.

"Glitter!" yelled Remus and ran over to Mary.

"Evans!" yelled Sirius.

A door swung open and a big red head popped out. "Yes?"

"What did you do?" he asked, keeping Mary and Remus from twirling any more.

"Like I said. Revenge is sweet." she smiled and closed the door.

Sirius looked over to his giggling friends and then looked at Peter, who was snoring on the couch. " Great." he sighed. "Come on gorgeous."

"He think I'm gorgeous." giggled Remus.

"I was talking to her Remuseta. You are smoking hot." he winked at him again, getting another giggle from him. "Let's go now." he said, wrapping his arm around his waist and dragging him back into his dorm. "God, you are so much heavier than you look."

"Never call a lady fat, Sirius!" yelled Mary from downstairs, still twirling around.

"Did you call me fat, Sirius?" said Remus offended.

"No. You are just glitter drunk."

"Glitter!" yelled Remus, waving his hands in the air.

"Fucking Evans." sighed Sirius.

Sirius Black ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now