A Little Chat

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"How did you know where I live?"

"Well, uh, you see-"

"You're such a stalker!"

"W-What?! N-No, that's not it!"

"Well, then explain how you know where I live!!" I hissed, my fangs showing with my temper.

"After we saved Murakami from the Purple Dragons he offered us a meal and we started coming back to make sure he was still safe and because his food is awesome, and one night we saw you there!" he rambled on. "When we asked Murakami, he only told us that you'd been living with him for a few years because of a family issue!"

"Family issue?" I scoffed. "Yeah, that's one way to describe it. I'm sorry for calling you a stalker..."

"It's okay, I can understand why you would think that."

I smiled as we continued on, then I remembered what he'd said about Mr. Murakami. He'd said that he and his brothers had saved him from Purple Dragons. My mind went back to that night I'd found the restaurant trashed and I looked up at Donatello.

"It was you guys?"


"You said that you and your brothers had saved Mr. Murakami from the Purple Dragons. I remember coming home that night to see the place trashed. When I went looking for him, I found a bunch of them beat up and they said that someone rescued him. It was you guys?"


I reached up and hugged him, which startled him.

"Thank you... he's always been kinda like a grandfather to me, so it means a lot that you helped him. Thank you, Donatello."

"Y-You're welcome." he stuttered. "And you can just call me Donnie."

"Well, thank you, Donnie." I smirked, letting him go. "So, about your brothers..."

"What about them?"

"Can you tell me a bit about them? Like, their names and stuff?"

"Oh." he said as we continued on. "Well, Michelangelo, or Mikey, is the youngest of us and definitely the crazy one. Raphael, Raph, is the second oldest and the hothead who uses force more than anything. Then there's Leonardo, Leo, our oldest brother and leader. Oh, and then our father, Master Splinter, is also a rat."

"Cool." I said. "There's the wild card, the hotheaded muscle, the leader, the father... lemme guess. You're the brains."

"Heh, yeah. You could say that."

"The brains and the modest, apparently." I giggled as he rubbed the back of his neck. "You should have more confidence in your intelligence. No one will take you seriously if you don't take yourself seriously."

"Sound advice."

"Yeah, my dad always used to tell me that."

"Your dad?" Donnie asked, looking at me. "Murakami never mentioned anything about your father, only that you had a mom and two sisters."

"He died in a lab explosion three years ago." I stated with no emotion.

"Oh, I-I'm so-"

"It's fine, it was a long time ago."

"Okay... so your dad was a scientist then?"

"Yup, he was in charge of one of the highest ranking laboratories in the city. Everyone knew him for his studies of snakes and antidotes for different kinds of venom."

"Why snakes and venom?"

"I don't know, he'd always loved them though. That's why I find it ironic that I became a snake mutant two years ago."

"You've only been a mutant for two years?"


"I wouldn't have guessed that with how skilled of a fighter you are."

"Yeah, so skilled that I blacked out." I scoffed.

"If it wasn't for Bebop and Rocksteady, I'm sure you'd have handled your own just fine."

"What, so those robot dudes use old music as weapons or something?" I joked.

"Heh, not what I meant." he chuckled. "Bebop and Rocksteady are two mutants that work with the Foot Clan. A rhino and a warthog."

"I never saw either of those guys, though." I said.

"They showed up after you blacked out." he replied. "They were the ones that shot the dart at you."

"Remind me to thank them for that." I hissed.

"You are really scary when you get like that, you know that?"

"Why, thank you." I smiled. "That's so kind of you to say."

"You're welcome?"

I laughed as we walked back into his lab, thinking that maybe this turtle...

Wasn't so bad after all.

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