I'm in the sewers..... EW

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I groaned and rolled onto my side, thinking I was in my bed. It was when I fell onto the hard floor that I realized I wasn't at home, but in some sort of lab similar to my own. It was a bit more cluttered compared to mine and random posters and building plans were everywhere on the walls, but still. You could tell that this was built at a young age and upgraded over time because of a few year old invention plans and pictures scattered around.

In my lab, everything was immaculate. I had found an old warehouse not too far from Mr. Murakami's restaurant, so that's where I spent most of my time when I was in a tinkering mood or just needed space. It was also where I trained on controlling my mutation and tried to understand what had happened to me. Sometimes I'd go out at night to see if I could find any more clues as to what happened and would find other mutants, but I never went near them. I wasn't that skilled of a fighter.

I sat up and instantly felt pain in my wrist and leg. My wrist was bruised very badly and my leg was bandaged up as if a professional did it. I stood up and limped towards the huge steel door. I heard voices arguing just outside the door and knew that I had to find another way out. I could tell by the way they argued that they were brothers. I felt a stab of pain at the thought of family and focused on finding a different way out. I saw another set of doors that was opened to a subway and ran out that way.

It wasn't long before I heard someone sneaking up behind me and I hissed a warning to my stalker, getting ready to change. When they didn't stop or leave, I instantly spun around in my half-form and pinned his arms to his sides as I lifted him off the ground. I hissed threateningly before pausing when I saw that it was that purple clad turtle. He struggled against my grip and I loosened just enough so that he could breathe, but didn't release him.

"Why are you following me?" I asked, the venom clear in my tone of voice.

"When I noticed you were gone, I wanted to make sure you were okay." he strained to say, since I still had a tight grip on him. "You were hurt very badly and I just wanted to make sure no one hurt you again-"

"I can take care of myself." I hissed, tightening unintentionally.

"AH!!" he gasped. "I see that now, I didn't mean any disrespect by it!! I deeply apologize!!"

I sighed and dropped him, changing back as I turned away from his gasping for the air that had left his lungs.

"Apology accepted." I said. "Now leave me alone, it'd be safer for you and your brothers if you did."

"How'd you-"

"I'm not stupid, I figured it out when you all started arguing. I'd recognize sibling fights anywhere."

"Oh, well, are you sure-"

"Yes." I said, pulling my sleeve down to hide my injury. "I'm fine and better off on my own..."

"I can see that you're limping and hiding something under your sleeve." he stated. "Let me help you, you really shouldn't be out here alone."

I turned to him and looked at him in confusion and skepticism. I never had anyone actually want to help me before, I'd always been chased or thrown out. I learned to never trust anyone but myself and how to care for myself. Well, no one besides Mr. Murakami. Yet, here he was, this humanoid turtle offering to help me even though I just threatened him.

"Please?" he asked, offering a small smile. "You can trust me."

"I don't even know you..."

"Oh, right. My name is Donatello Hamato."

"Verah Hydra."

"Well, Verah... do you trust at least a little bit more now? I really just wanna help."

I hesitated at first, but accepted his help and followed him back through the sewers. It was pretty quiet on the way back to his home, but after a few minutes I couldn't help but break the silence.

"Okay, I gotta ask."


"Why the sewers?"

"I don't know." he shrugged. "We grew up down here, so it's pretty much the only home we've ever known."


"What about you?"


"Why do you stay at Murakami's restaurant?"

I stopped and looked at him as he suddenly froze, realizing what he'd just said. My eyes narrowed as I processed the sentence and I let out a low hiss.

"How did you know where I live?"

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