Another Day(bonus chapter pt.1)

Start from the beginning

"Alyssa," I whispered in her ear softly, but she didn't react. "Alyssa! Please wake up!"

Just then her eyes shot open, still screaming, if anything, louder than before.

I wrapped my arms around her in a tight hug when she started sobbing.

"It's ok, it was just a dream," I whispered.

"L-Liam, please let go, I think I'm gonna-," but she cut off as she threw up on my back, then sobbed harder. Ew, but oh well. Obviously she was freaked out to the point of throwing up. "I-I'm sorry."

"Its fine, do you want to talk about it?," I whispered to her, pulling back slightly to look at her. She immediately shook her head no, eyes wide and terrified.

"N-No p-please," Alyssa stuttered quietly. "Just please don't tell Scott or Stiles!"

"What, why?," I asked, confused on why she didn't want them to know.

"Just please don't tell them!," she shouted, jerking away from me.

"Ok, I won't," I lied, pulling her back into a hug. "Has this happened before?"

Alyssa slowly shook her head. "This is the most vivid, real, and frightening a dream has been."

"Ok, well go back to sleep, you're gonna need it," I told her.

"Fine, but please don't tell-" she drifted off as she fell asleep.

I picked up and placed her on the metal table I was sleeping on, where she curled into a ball. It may not be comfortable, but it was better than a chair. I walked over to one of the other tables that were in the room, and picked up the roll of paper towels that were sitting there. I ripped one off and walked back over to Alyssa. I gently wiped around her mouth where it still had throw up.

I then walked over to a trash can and threw it away as someone walked in the doorway. It was Deaton.

"I heard what happened when I was coming to check on you," he said. "You need to tell them."

"I know, I was going to call them now." I set the paper towel roll back down. I may not like Scott and Stiles, but they deserve to know. Well, Scott mainly because she is his actual sister.

"How about I call Scott, and he can bring Stiles if he wants, and you get cleaned up," Deaton told me. "It's not good if she throws up after a nightmare, something could be wrong and Scott would definately want to know if there is something going on."
After I had cleaned up in the dog bath area, I walked back into the room Alyssa was in to see Scott and Stiles already there, talking to Deaton.

"So she threw up after waking up from her nightmare?," Stiles questioned Deaton, doubt clear in his voice.

"Yea, she did," I butted in.

"And she said it happened before?," Scott asked me, concern promenent in his voice.

"No, she said this is the first time it happened. That it was the most vivid, real, and frightening dream she's had."

Just then Alyssa rolled slightly on the table, whimpering.

"No, please," I heard her whisper.

We all watched as she started screaming for the second time this night.

"Has she ever had a nightmare twice in one night?," I asked, while watching her thrash around, still screaming.

"No, never," Scott replied, watching Alyssa with great concern as she thrashed arund.

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