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We all were gathered around Coach's desk in his office(which in case you never noticed is attached to the locker room), and were looking over a blueprint to the school.

"Ok, this is where the school sign ends," Stiles pointed to the obvious outside area of the sign, and I rolled my eyes as they flashed red, then back to the natural blue/green/grey color. "So the vault's gotta be right about here."

"I suppose if there's a second entrance, it would probably be accessible from the basement," Mr. Yukimura concluded.

"It's probably somewhere in this hallway." Stiles pointed to a section in the basement. "West corridor," he mumbled, then suddenly fell against Kira's dad, almost passing out. Mr. Yukimura quickly caught him, helping him steady himself, and Malia reached across the desk and grabbed his arm. "Whoa."

Mr. Yukimura pulled back Stiles's jacket sleeve slightly, revealing lesions on the back of his hand. "It's happening to you too. You're getting sick." He sighed and looked between all of us, then stopped when his eyes landed on his daughter. "You all are."

"I don't feel sick," Kira denied, shaking her head.

"I think it's affecting you differently neurologically," her dad replied, looking down, causing us to look at him. "I found your test answer sheet in a pile with the others." He pulled out the folded answer sheet, unfolded it, and spread it out to reveal that all of Kira's answers were located outside of the bubbles, sitting next to the choices. " We all looked at her, concerned for her too.

On a completely different note.

I really, really miss Liam.

I wonder where he's at, and if he's waiting for me to call him, letting him know I'm ready to hang.
Kira, Malia, my brothers, and I ran down the basement steps, making sure that we weren't noticed by anyone on the way to the basement door. We quickly spread out in the west corridor of the basement, trying to open doors and searching on the walls and between shelves(we aren't stupid, we were peeking at the way the shelves were on).

Suddenly Stiles called out to us from the shelf he was looking in between, waving us over. "Hey, guys. Over here." We all walked over, curious if he found the second entrance. He rolled the shelf-thingy out of the way, revealing the same claw-accessible lock that was on the school sign in the middle of a triskele carved into the wall. Stiles set his hand on the lock, and Scott set his on the triskele. "Look at the cracks in the wall."

"It's a triskele, clearly," I replied, muttering the last part.

"It looks like the entrance outside, it only opens with claws," Stiles told us, stating the obvious once more. No offence to him, but he needs to stop pointing out the obvious things.
Ah well. Not all of us notice the clear things. "Anyone's claws right?"


Stiles looked up at Scott, then over at me, then shot his eyes over at Malia, being very discreet.

Oh, right. Malia doesn't know about being a Hale, so they want to make it seem like it can be anyone. Smart.

"Um, Malia," Scott started. "Can you try?"

"Why me?," she questioned in return, her suspicion evident.

"I don't have control," he responded, showing her his hands, claws not in sight. She looked over at me.

"Ne-neither do I," I replied to the question clear in her eyes, also showing her my claw-free hands.

"Ok, I'll do it," Malia shrugged. "Just tell me what you're hiding first." We just stared at her. "I'm on the list aren't I? How much am I worth?"

The New Beta(Liam Dunbar Fanfic, Teen Wolf)Where stories live. Discover now