Another Day(bonus chapter pt.2)

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I told her everything that had happened the past night and this morning. I explained how I just felt something snap inside my head, causing me to shift... Like an immense burst of anger that came out of nowhere.

"I don't know what caused it, I-," I trailed off as I heard a familiar voice whisper my name; a voice I haven't heard in a while, that instantly put me on edge because she was supposed to be dead. That's right, it was Allison's voice.

"How could you Alyssa?," I heard her whisper/hiss. "How could you let me die? WHY DIDN'T YOU SAVE ME?"

I flinched. "I-I'm sorry." I jerked my head around the room, trying to find where Allison was at.

"Al, what are you talking about? What are you sorry for?," I heard Stiles ask, but I wasn't listening. I had centered all of my attention on Allison's voice that had surrounded me.

"You will PAY!," she screeched in my ear as splitting pain shot through my whole body, causing me to scream and fall off the couch, curling myself into a ball. It felt like I was being stabbed by thousands of knives throughout my whole body. It disappeared after a moment, but then just as soon as it left, it came back twice as hard, causing me to give off another ear-splitting scream that quickly turned into loud whimpers, the pain being to much for me to scream.

"Alyssa what's wrong?," I heard Scott's voice echo.

"Lyss, talk to us," Liam's voice echoed a moment later, but I whimpered louder in response.

"Allison," I whispered, slowly blacking out as I thought I saw her standing in front of me, an emotionless look plasted on her face and a knife in her hands that was covered in blood.

I wonder what was is those energy drinks...
I felt like there were multiple knives stabbing me everywhere, and a choking amount of fear, horror, and sadness washed over me, even though I know it wasn't mine. It had to be Alyssa's feelings and pain. I don't know how, but it is; I just know it.

To top it off, I watched as Alyssa passed out, freaking me out even more. I immediately rushed over to see what was wrong before Lydia pushed me back.

"Don't," she warned me, but looked at Scott and Stiles to, letting them know to back up. "I've got this. She's not dead, but I need to figure out what's wrong." She walked over to where Alyssa was lying and crouched next to her. She grabbed Alyssa's wrist gently and held 2 fingers up to the spot where you can feel a persons pulse. "Her pulse is starting to get faint," she rushed out in a panic. "I think she had to of been poisoned or something. We need to take her to Deaton, now!"

Scott nodded numbly, still staring at his sister as he began walking towards her. It was then I realized he was going to carry her I stopped him. "No, let me do it please," I begged.

He stared at me for a moment before he shook his head. "No, she is my sister and could be dying. I've got it. Now go home Liam."

I growled, feeling my anger building up, my claws and fangs both growing. I'm pretty sure my eyes were glowing gold as well. "No, Scott. You don't understand. I NEED to carry her, to hold her and make sure she is safe and that she won't die. I don't know why or how, but I have this pull towards her and I feel like I need to protect her." And to always have her with me. That I want to make her laugh and smile, and never want to see her upset. I want to kiss her and hold her all the time; to love her even though we are only 15, I thought. I had finally voiced my feelings about Alyssa, though not all of them because I still don't get along with Scott or Stiles to well and they don't need to know all of it. Like the fact that I have an undeniable pull, a connection, to her.

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