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Sorry I took so long, I've been busy, but I will update quicker next time...
Please keep reading,
Love, ~~Teenwolfmccallpack :*

I woke up, to see Chis Argent's face hovering above mine. It was fuzzy for a moment before clearing up.

"Hey there," I heard Deaton say. "I was actually hoping you two would be out for a few more minutes."

I then felt sharp pain in my stomach, causing me to look down. One of the berserker's bone knife were impaled into my stomach.

I looked over at Scott to see that he was in the same situation.

"Scott, Alyssa," Chris trailed off. "This is gonna hurt."

His fingers slowly curled around the knife in my stomach, and Deaton grabbed the one in Scott's stomach.

He slowly pulled it out, causing me to yell. I writhed in pain, and when it was out, I yelled louder, slipping off the edge of the table. Chris caught me before I hit the floor.

I then heard Scott's feet hit the floor, signaling Deaton had pulled the knife out of him.

"You guys alright?," Argent questioned, concerned.

I clutched my side and walked over to Scott.

"Hey, HEY," Chris yelled to get my attention. "I know you have super fast healing, but you still need to sit still for a moment."

"I'm fine, I'm not glass," I replied. Deaton then rushed over with 2 cloths and pressed them against Scott and I's wounds.

"Where's our dad and the sheriff?," Scott suddenly asked.

"They are alright," Deaton replied to him. "They are at the hospital. They are both doing fine. Hold this."

He was referring to the cloths. Scott nodded, and we both grimaced as Chris pressed our hands harder onto the cloth.

"It was Kate," I told them. "It was her and those stupid, frickin berserkers."

"We know," Argent responded. "But they move fast, and they don't leave much in the way of tracks."

"We have to find her," Scott said to all of us. "She's got Violet. I think Violet knows where Liam is."

I whimpered slightly when he said Liam's name.

Normally I wouldn't, but I feel so bad. We turned him, then we probably got him killed. The same way I got Allison killed. And I really, really like him.

If we don't find him he's dead. Dead because of us.

Because of me....

I whimpered softly again, trying to keep the annoying tears at bay. I can't be weak, and crying makes me weak.

"Then as much as this hurt, it can probably also help," Deaton replied to Scott, snapping me out of my trance. I snapped my head up to see Deaton holding out the bone knives to us. "Can you get a scent?"

I grabbed one of the knives, and Scott grabbed the other. That's when I noticed my brother glance in my direction with a sympathetic look on his face, probably knowing what I'm thinking. I just looked away, not able to stand it anymore.

I lifted the knife up to my nose, inhaling the putrid scent of death.
I gripped the cool, wet stones that formed the wall of the well, and pulled myself up, breathing in the scent of the moss even more. I gripped another stone above my head with my right hand, and hoisted myself up another inch, digging my shoes into the small gaps between the other stones.

The New Beta(Liam Dunbar Fanfic, Teen Wolf)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora