chapter 3- surprise

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"Shit," Clarke said seeing lexa on the ground, "are you okay?"

"Yeah, just knocked the wind out of me is all." Lexa said coughing.

"Damn Clarkie you should have been a football player." Raven said trying to make clarke feel better.

"I thought you left?" Clarke said wondering why she hadn't been out of the building yet.

"I did, but I got in my car and realized I forgot to say bye, I was coming in to say bye, next thing I know I'm on the ground." Lexa said getting up.

"Sorry, we should have been paying more attention." Clarke said trying not to cry both from feeling bad and of embarrassment.

"We were racing, I was definitely winning, and would have if you hadn't been in clarkes way." Raven said with a look of disappointment. Clarke hit raven in the arm and gave her a scolding look. "Calm down jamal don't pull out the knife." Raven said causing lexa to laugh.

"Sorry, but in my defense I didn't know I'd be an obstacle in a race today."

"I completely failed the obstacle." Clarke said laughing.

"I wouldn't exactly say that, you completely took me out. Ravens right you could have been the quarterback."

"Griffin we gotta go, the surprise is waiting." Raven said pulling on Clarkes arm.

"Okay, okay," clarke said, "bye lexa."

"Bye Clarkie." Lexa said using clarkes nickname. Clarke blushed but looked away before lexa saw.

Raven pulled clarke into the elevator.

"Yep, you definitely have a crush on her." Raven said pushing clarke lightly.

"Shut up." Clarke said laughing.

"To bad shes probably straight." Clarke frowned at Ravens comment. The elevator binged indicating they were at their floor.

"Let's go see my surprise." Clarke said as raven basically dragged her to the  car. Clarke still couldn't drive, so raven still had to cart her around town.

(If you are wandering yes raven and clarke drove together to college)

Clarke picked the song for them to listen to and they were off. The song was to loud for them to have a conversation so clarke pulled out her phone.

She scrolled through Instagram for a few minutes, she saw lexa had added her as a friend and she added her back. She looked over at raven to see if she was looking and started to look at lexas page.

She smiled like a dork the whole time, lexa was adorable. She noticed that lexa had a love for candles and decided she would get her one to say sorry for trampling her in the hallway.

The group chat randomly started blowing up, and Clarke decided to hop on.

Princess- Clarke
Bloodriana- Octavia
Coachroach- Murphy
Goggles- jasper
Algae addict- monty
Daddy mechanic- raven
Bitch boy- bellemy

Princess- what's going on

Goggles- monty finally
Got a date

Bitch boy- good for
You monty

Algae addict- thanks bell

Princess- that's cool

Bloodriana- where is raven
She's always on here

college roommate (modern clexa au)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat