chapter 1 - roommates

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Clarke walked up to the door of her new apartment, her nerves building up even higher then before. She doesn't deal well with new people, never has.

Raven had the audacity to put her with a different roommate insteadof herself. "You need to get out there Clarkie it's your junior year of college and you need to make more friends." she had said.

Clarke grabbed the room key out of her pocket and started to unlock the door. She took a deep breath, "here gos nothing." She said before entering thinking about if her roommate is in there right now and what she is like. What if shes a bitch, dont want to repeat first semester of freshmen year, maybe shes really nice. Well let's hope shes nice clarke thought.

She opens the door. The first thing she notices is the mess, well not exactly a mess but it was disorganized. She walks in slowly and heaves her heavy bags full of art equipment and clothes on her bed. Sighing with satisfaction that she was able to bring as much as she did from home. A little disappointed she couldn't bring her dog Picasso.

She sits down and is just staring to relax from her long drive here when someone barges in startling clarke and causing her to yelp.

The girl smiled. "Sorry didn't mean to scare you, you must be my new roommate, I'm lexa." She said holding her hand out.

Instead of taking her hand she just stared with her mouth open, so called lexa was gorgeous. It was when lexa awkwardly put her hand down that she realized she never responded.  "way to leave a girl hanging" she says turning around. "Sorry, Clarke, ummm my name is Clarke."

Lexa turns back around, "nice to meet you Clarke."

"You too." Clarke said shyly.

"Well it was fun, but I gotta go, see you tonight I guess." Lexa said trying again with the hand shake.

This time Clarke took her hand, both girls felt a weird feeling of electricy when touching. Still they both ignored it assuming it was probably built up energy or some shit. (Bitch don't ask, I forgot what it's called when you shock someone when touching them or some trampoline or some shit, ok enough of me)

Lexa quickly got dressed into something nicer, clarke tried her best not to stare.

Lexa grabbed her wallet waved goodbye and left leaving Clarke to unpack her bags. She opened her art bag and pulled out a few of her favorite paintings and put them on her wall beside her bed, then put up a few of her pencil sketches.

She got a phone call, it was her mother abby, clarke picked up the phone quickly, she already missed her mother greatly.

"Hey mom."

"Clarke bug, I miss you already, are you and raven enjoying you dorm room?"

"Actually raven made it so we're not roommates, she said that i needed more friends, I mean shes right, but she could have told me first."

"That is actually cool bug, she's right you need to get yourself out there your a sophomore clarke."

"That's exactly what raven said."

"Well it's true, anyways do you like your  roommate?"

"Yeah, she's fine so far, but we just met, hopefully she doesn't end up like my roommate last year, ontari was a bitch."

"Clarke you dont say that but yes she was she, deserved the suspension, anyways your stepfather just got home, I gotta go."

Abby hung up and left Clarke to finish unpacking. Clarke got lost in her thoughts, she found herself thinking about her father.

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